7 Urgent Business - Local Improvement Fund for Districts (LIF) - Appointment of Members PDF 327 KB
The Chair agreed to accept one Item of Urgent Business Local Investment Fund as a matter of urgency in accordance with S.100 B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972; Urgent Cabinet approval was required as Covid-19 has impacted on delivery timescales and project finances. The formation of the LIF Cabinet Sub-Committee was urgently required to review the ongoing viability of these projects, as well as agreeing additional funding if required.
Approval had been given under Rule 14 of the Council’s constitution by the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee to action this report as an urgent item. The report was considered at Item 7 of the agenda
The Cabinet gave consideration to report of the Head of Democratic Services which sought approval of appointments to the Local Improvement Fund Cabinet sub-committee.
The Local Improvement Fund had successfully funded 20 projects in the last financial year (2019/20). However, Covid-19 has impacted on delivery timescales and project finances. The formation of the LIF Cabinet Sub-Committee was urgently required to review the ongoing viability of these projects, as well as agreeing additional funding if required.
In addition, there was an additional £500k available for LIF projects in 2020/21, so to support ongoing business planning, as well as Covid-19 recovery planning. The Cabinet Sub-Committee was urgently required to oversee the allocation of this funding through the next Local Improvement Fund funding round, which would be agreed once the committee was established.
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1 – Not to agree the membership of the sub-committee.
Option 2 – To agree the membership of the sub-committee.
RESOLVED – That the Leader, Deputy Leader (Statutory) and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Green be appointed to the Local Improvement Fund Cabinet sub-committee.