13 Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21 PDF 131 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee gave consideration to the updated Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2020/21. Members’ attention was drawn to the proposed implementation of the revised overview and scrutiny terms of reference, agreed by the Council in June 2020, with effect from the forthcoming Municipal Year.
The Committee was advised that the outcomes from the further meeting held to discuss Northern Care Alliance employment and training opportunities, as agreed by the Committee at the meeting held on 26th January 2021 and which had been held on 8th March 2021, would be included in the outturn Committee work programme.
RESOLVED that the Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21, as presented, be noted.
9 Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21 PDF 127 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee gave consideration to the proposed Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2020/21, outlining those issues which would be considered by the Committee during the municipal year.
Members were informed that the recommendations the Committee forwarded to the Cabinet arising from the ‘Ban on Fast Food and Energy Drink Advertising’ Council Motion for issues to progressed at the GM level were considered and agreed by the Cabinet last night.
Members noted that the recommendations of the Committee arising from the ‘Not every disability is visible’ Council Motion for the Portfolio Holder and Officers to cost up the signage of accessible toilets in line with the Crohn’s and Colitis UK campaign and the provision of a Changing Places toilet, had been supported by the Leader as Portfolio Holder for costings to be drawn up.
RESOLVED that the Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21, as presented, be noted.
13 Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21 PDF 137 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee gave consideration to the proposed Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2020/21, outlining those issues which would be considered by the Committee during the municipal year.
The Committee’s attention was drawn specifically to the outcomes from Members’ consideration on 10th November 2020 of anonymised safeguarding cases, of actions taken in respect of a referral from Council related to a Council Motion concerning Chatty Checkouts and Cafes, and to the intended submission of a report to the Committee in January 2021 of a report detailing work to address digital inclusion that had been commissioned following concerns expressed by Members at earlier meetings.
RESOLVED that the Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21, as presented, be noted.
12 Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21 PDF 124 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee gave consideration to the proposed Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2020/21, outlining those issues which would be considered by the Committee during the municipal year.
Members’ were advised of arrangements being made in respect of their consideration of anonymised safeguarding cases and of an intended discussion with Healthwatch regarding a follow-up report to the End of Life Services review report considered previously by the Committee.
RESOLVED that the Health Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21, as presented, be noted.