Issue - meetings

Childhood Immunisation Programme

Meeting: 13/10/2020 - Health Scrutiny (Item 10)

10 Childhood Immunisation Programme pdf icon PDF 698 KB


The Committee received a briefing on local performance on childhood immunisations for 0-5 year olds and the HPV programme for 2019/20.  Support was also sought for the continued activities to improve immunisation uptake in 2020/21.


All Oldham’s universal immunisation programmes are commissioned by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership supported by the Greater Manchester Screening and Immunisation Team.  All programmes are commissioned against National Service Specifications which were outlined in an appendix to the briefing.  The Committee received performance data indicating that Oldham had achieved or exceeded the uptake target for 5 of the 6 parameters within the national parameters.  The implications of Covid-19 on take-up of vaccinations was considered.


The work of the Oldham Immunisation Group, comprising the Council, Oldham CCG and other relevant partners, to improve vaccination take-up was outlined.  This included continuing to implement the Measles and Rubella Elimination Strategy; raising awareness of the need for MMR vaccinations among young people, under-vaccinated communities and health care workers; seeking assurance that adequate alternative immunisation provision is in place to meet the needs of local communities, including itinerant workers and their families; targeting communications; and ‘catch-up’ activities targeting those who might have missed earlier vaccination opportunities.


RESOLVED – that the reported performance data related to the childhood immunisation programme be noted and the continued activities to improve immunisation uptake be supported.