Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report of the Managing Director Community Health and Social Care Service and DASS which sought approval to extend the support to the care sector due to the impact of Covid-19 from 1st July 2020 and for the remainder of the financial year.
The report provided an update on the support provided thus far to the care sector through the Covid-19 pandemic and sought agreement to extend some support measures until there was further clarity on the national position, particularly with regard to market sustainability.
The requested support reflected the ongoing requirements around the use of personal protective equipment, the impact of regular testing on the workforce, the vacant care home beds in the market and the resultant financial implications.
The report provided details of the current position in relation to:
· Care homes and vacancy rates
· Workforce
· Support to the Care Sector
· Carers
· Financial support
· Annual Adult Social Care budget survey
· Recovery
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1- Do nothing. Allow the support implemented up to the 30th June 2020 to end. This was not considered to be a viable option for the reasons set out in the current position above. In order to ensure that Care Act eligible care and support needs could be met, there needed to be sufficiency, sustainability, quality and choice of provision in the local care market (Care Act section 5 and Care Act Statutory Guidance section 4 relate). Whilst there may be a need to revise the commissioning plans in relation to care and support services to reflect a shift in future demand, any contraction or other changes in the market needed to be undertaken in an informed and managed way.
Option 2 - Do nothing and respond to national directives when these were published. Discussions were continuing at a national level between the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Department of Health and Social Care, the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Local Government Association, however there was no indication as to when any guidance might be published.
Option 3 - Extend the majority of the proposals now until such time as any national guidance or funding was announced.
1. The 90% bed occupancy guarantee be extended until the end of July2020, and authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Services to adjust this support from that point onwards up until the end of October 2020 (subject to interim reviews), to respond to the prevailing market conditions, in order to meet Care Act duties to meet eligible care and support needs, and ensure sufficiency, sustainability and quality of supply of care services to meet those needs. Whilst it was difficult to predict the financial implications of this proposal in an ever changing picture, a worst case scenario of continuing to guarantee 90% bed occupancy to the end of October 2020, based on the current vacant bed position would be £1.6m.
2. The Financial Support Panel to be continued until the ... view the full minutes text for item 5