8 Workforce Strategy PDF 353 KB
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Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director Communities and Reform which sought approval of a new Workforce Strategy for #TeamOldham 2020 – 2023 and the implementation of developing delivery plans to support its embedding across #TeamOldham organisations.
It was reported that a workforce strategy was required to set the ambitions and strategic direction for the #TeamOldham workforce and it was at the core of realising organisational priorities. The strategy detailed within this report had been developed following widespread research, analysis and consultation and reflects the inputs of key stakeholders and strategic plans.
The Strategy would be translated into a delivery plan ensuring a coherent and cohesive approach to workforce design and development over 2020-2023.
The strategy was framed with the following purpose at its core:
‘To successfully create a One Team Oldham and embed our co-operative values in all we do’
The strategy had been developed thematically, as follows:
· Supporting Our Staff:
· Leadership and Culture:
· Planning for the Future:
· Organisational Design
The strategy also set out anticipated outcomes against each strand as a measure of success and to bring each theme to life.
Members welcomed the report particularly the need to take immediate action to improve our recruitment process and to broaden the diversity of the workforce to reflect the Oldham community.
Option 1 - Do nothing
Option 2 -Endorse the Workforce Strategy as detailed in this report and at Appendix 1.
Option 3 - Adopt an alternative approach to the development and implementation of a Workforce Strategy.
RESOLVED - That Cabinet endorsed the #TeamOldham Workforce Strategy, supported its full embedding and implementation across the workforce and advocated the principles within.