Issue - meetings

Strategic Investment

Meeting: 23/04/2020 - Cabinet (Item 9)

Strategic Investment

Report to follow


Consideration was given to a commercially sensitive report of the Director of Finance and the Director of Legal Services which sought approval of the

the strategic investments and delegations as detailed within the report.


Options/alternatives considered

Option one – To agree the Strategic Investment

Option two – Not to agree the Strategic Investment


An agreement has been made by the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to authorise the decision related to a Strategic Investment.

The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board had agreed that the decision could not be reasonably deferred in order to meet the timeline associated with the agreement. The report was in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework. The decision could not wait until the end of the call-in period to meet the timelines of the agreement. The decision was exempt from call-in.



1.    The recommendations 1-7 within the report be approved

2.    The report be exempt from call-in.