Issue - meetings

Fitton Hill- Selection of Developer Partner

Meeting: 23/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Fitton Hill- Selection of Developer Partner pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Economy which reported the outcome of the selection process for a developer partner for vacant land at Fitton Hill and recommended the selection of Bidder A as the preferred developer to work in partnership with Oldham Council and ForViva.


‘Creating a Better Place’ incorporated significant programmes of work that had been progressed over the past eighteen months, in order to set out a comprehensive vision and strategic framework for the borough. These included the:

• Updated vision for Oldham Town Centre;

• Housing Strategy 2019; and

• Updated Medium Term Property Strategy.


‘Creating a Better Place’ focused on building more homes for Oldham residents, creating new jobs through town centre regeneration, and ensuring Oldham was a great place to visit, with lots of family-friendly and accessible places to go.


The proposed development is in accordance with the strategic framework to Create a Better Place approved by Cabinet in January 2020 and was also in accordance with the Housing Strategy adopted in 2019.


Options/Alternatives considered:

Option 1 – Appoint Bidder A to develop the site as proposed within their bid.

Option 2 - Do not appoint.

Option 3 – Do nothing.

Option 4 – Appoint Bidder B or Bidder C.


The Cabinet was asked to consider the following recommendations:

1.    A contract be awarded to Bidder A as the preferred bidder for the development of Fitton Hill.

2.    That the finalisation of the legal documentation be delegated to the Leader of the Council in consultation with the Director of Economy and Skills, and the Director of Legal Services or his nominated representative to be authorised to seal the development agreement and any incidental and ancillary documentation referred to in this report and/or required to give effect to the recommendations in this report.

3.    The land be sold on a freehold basis.

4.    The partnership with ForViva, who also own vacant land in the area that will jointly be developed at the same time, be supported.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 15 of the agenda before making a decision.