Issue - meetings

Council Motion - Ban of Fast Food and Energy Drinks Advertising

Meeting: 01/09/2020 - Health Scrutiny (Item 8)

8 Council Motion - Ban on Fast Food and Energy Drinks Advertising pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 13 of the meeting of the Committee held on 7th July 2020, the Committee received a report inviting consideration of a Council Motion “Ban on Fast Food and Energy Drinks Advertising” that had been referred to the Committee for consideration.  The consideration was based upon two appendices to a submitted report.  Firstly, a report submitted in the first instance to the Committee at the meeting held on 7th July 2020 (the ‘July report’), and secondly a draft ‘Health Weight and Physical Activity Strategy’ document, the submission of which had been requested by the Committee at the July 2020 meeting.  The Committee was advised that the draft Strategy had been compiled in the pre-Covid-19 period and would require redrafting to reflect changed circumstances and national direction before it could be resubmitted for formal consultation.


The July report had given a consideration to the Council Motion and had included a briefing on the evidence around fast food and energy drinks (or High Fat Sugar and Salt (HFSS) Foods) and which recommended that

·         any restriction or ban on such advertising should be accompanied by measures to promote healthier options; and

·         in support of a ban, any breach of the Committee on Advertising Practice Guidelines around advertising of HFSS foods should be referred to the Advertising Standards Agency.


The July report had further presented information in respect of the various action points of the Motion and the following issues were highlighted –

·         With regard to asking Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to consider an advertising ban similar to that introduced by the Mayor of London, details of the London ban, including the Transport for London (TfL) policy, and an initial view from TfGM which included noting the coverage of the London ban, the use to which TfGM’s advertising revenues were put, and some possible support for the promotion of healthier options;

·         With regard to the advertising or sale of fast food and energy drinks on Council property, a distinction was drawn between the Council’s immediate estate where such matters were considered as being addressed, and the Council’s managed or leased estate, it being noted that the equivalent TfL estate sat outside the London policy and that if the policy was extended to Council’s managed or leased estate this would lead to financial implications;

·         With regard to asking partners to make similar undertakings with regard to bans on sales and advertising, while this might be undertaken in isolation, the briefing paper within the July report noted that work to promote healthier options should sit alongside this.  The draft Strategy had proposed a multi-agency approach, to be led by the Health and Wellbeing Board, which would provide the base from which to share the Council’s experience and encourage others.


In discussion, it was suggested that the issue was one which would be very difficult to progress in isolation and that Oldham alone could make only small changes.  While the intent of the Motion was good, it was suggested that it would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8

Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Health Scrutiny (Item 13)

13 Council Motion - Ban on Fast Food and Energy Drinks Advertising pdf icon PDF 599 KB


The Committee was reminded that, at a meeting of the Council held on 11th September 2019, the Council had referred a Motion Ban on “Fast Food and Energy Drinks Advertising” to the Overview and Scrutiny Board.  The Overview and Scrutiny Board had, at a meeting held on 7th January 2020, in turn referred the Motion to the Health Scrutiny Committee for consideration. 


The Committee received a report which presented a summary of the evidence base on High Fat, Salt and Sugar (HFSS) Food Advertising prepared by the Public Health Team; background to the Mayor of London’s ban on fast food advertising on the London transport network that was referenced in the Motion; some initial views of Transport for Greater Manchester in respect of the possible introduction of a scheme similar to London’s; the recommendations of a report ‘Taking Down Junk Food’ prepared by Sustain and Foodwatch; and observations of the Director of Public Health and the Head of Strategic Estates and Facilities Management in respect of matters referenced in the Motion. 


In consideration of item, Members discussed whether certain matters might benefit from a Greater Manchester-wide consideration.  Members further noted that a proposed new Healthy Weight and Physical Activity Strategy developed by the Public Health Team would link to certain aspects of the Motion and it was suggested that the Director of Public Health be asked to consider submission of the Strategy to allow a full consideration of the Motion.


RESOLVED that the Motion be considered at the next meeting of the Committee and the Director of Public Health be asked to consider submission of the proposed Healthy Weight and Physical Activity Strategy for consideration alongside the Motion.