Issue - meetings

Objections to Proposed Waiting Restrictions and Traffic Calming - London Road/Prince Charlie Street, Derker

Meeting: 19/03/2020 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 7)

7 Objections to Proposed Waiting Restrictions and Traffic Calming - London Road/Prince Charlie Street, Derker pdf icon PDF 3 MB

The purpose of this report is to consider two objections to the current proposal to introduce traffic calming on London Road and Prince Charlie Street, Derker


Consideration was given to a report which asked the Panel to consider 2 objections to the current proposal to introduce traffic calming on London Road and Prince Charlie St, Derker. Traffic calming proposals for Derker Street and Barry Street did not receive any objections. A verbal objection to a prohibition of waiting on London Road had been resolved following consultation with the affected party.


The Panel noted that the original proposals were approved under delegated powers on 26 November 2019. Two proposals were advertised on 20 December 2019 (traffic calming and waiting restrictions), at which time two letters of objection were received in relation to the traffic calming element and one verbal comment received regarding waiting restrictions at London

Road / Yates Street).


The Panel gave consideration to the objections received and the responses to them. The comments of a Ward Councillor were also noted.


Options considered:

Option 1: To approve the original proposals for traffic calming and the amended proposals for waiting restrictions as shown in Appendix C of the report.

Option 2: Not to approve the original proposals.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the Panel approved the introduction of traffic calming on London Road and Prince Charlie Street Derker as per the original proposal (in addition to Derker Street and Barry Street) shown in the schedule within the Delegated Report at Appendix A and waiting restrictions at London Road / Yates Street and Stoneleigh Road / Prince Charlie Street as now proposed in Appendix C.