13 Levy Allocation Methodology Agreement PDF 91 KB
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report which provided Members with an update of the Levy Methodology Agreement (LAMA).
The LAMA was a proposed 6 year agreement between the 9 District Authorities subject to the Combined Authority waste disposal arrangements, to fairly allocate the waste and resources budget and replace the 2018/19 Inter Authority Agreement.
A review of the current methodology i.e. the Inter Authority Agreement was deemed appropriate following the recent procurement exercise which resulted in a fundamentally revise contract to deliver waste disposal.
The LAMA would allocate the fixed and variable costs of the budget by waste stream, trade waste, Household Waste Recycling Centres and GMCA – Waste and Resources own costs. An update to the LAMA was required as a result of the award of a new contract. To enable the budget setting process to take account of potential waste levy costs, agreement was required by each district and the proposed 202/21 levy would then be allocated as per the LAMA.
Option 1 – Agree the proposed Levy Allocation Methodology Agreement.
Option 2 – Do not agree the proposed Levy Allocation Methodology Agreement.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would give consideration to the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 17 of the agenda before making a decision.