Issue - meetings

Procurement of Early Intervention Service and Health Improvement & Weight Management Service

Meeting: 18/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Procurement of Early Intervention Service and Health Improvement & Weight Management Service pdf icon PDF 396 KB


Councillor Roberts declared a personal interest at Items 12 and 16 Procurement of Early Intervention Service and Health Improvement and Weight Management Service by virtue of her Council appointment to the Positive Steps Board.

The Cabinet considered a report of the Strategic Director of Communities and Reform which sought approval for the extension of the All Age Early Help contract for a further 9 months until December 2020.

All Age Early Help was established in April 2015 with some service delivery being in-house and a significant element of the service being delivered through a contract with Positive Steps. The contract was let for 3 years with an option to extend for an additional year.

The option for a further year was exercised and in February 2019 the Cabinet agreed a further contract extension up to March 2020.

The extension was to allow for the completion of a review considering the long-term development of Early Intervention and Prevention Services.

The review produced several key considerations which would inform the proposed approach to the procurement and continuing development of those services. The request for a further extension was required in order to complete the procurement of a new all age low and medium entry level intervention service and a new health improvement and weight management service.

Option 1 – Do not re-procure the non-statutory elements of All Age Early Help Contract.

Option 2 – Extend the current contract with Positive Steps for up to nine months.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 16 of the agenda before making a decision.