13 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme PDF 250 KB
The Board is requested to comment and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2019/20 Municipal Year.
The Board gave consideration to the latest Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme.
Further to the submitted Work Programme, Members were asked to note that
(a) further work was being undertaken on the Oldham Town Centre Masterplan and a request had been made to defer this item from the January 2020 meeting;
(b) it had been confirmed that the Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2018/19 would be available for consideration at the meeting in January 2020; and
(c) the Work Programme for the March 2020 meeting would require further consideration in order to best manage the business listed across the Work Programmes of all three Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme and further reported matters be noted.
16 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme PDF 242 KB
The Board is requested to comment and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2019/20 Municipal Year.
The Board gave consideration to the latest Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme.
Members were provided with the update on the Getting to Good Children’s Improvement Programme as requested at the previous meeting. This included an update on vacancy and turnover figures, Children in Need, and out of borough placements.
Members were also provided with an update on the Task and Finish Group related to Extending the Cooperative Approach to the use of Council Asset Policy. Members were informed of a recent visit by elected members to Wigan Council. Members had agreed to the establishment of the Task and Finish Group. A meeting would now be arranged.
Members were informed that the Corporate Plan would be added to the January meeting on the Work Programme.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme be noted.
2. The update related to the Getting to Good Children’s Improvement Programme Update be noted.
3. The update on the Task and Finish Group related to the Council Asset Policy be noted.
4. The addition of the Corporate Plan to the Work Programme be noted.