14 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme PDF 229 KB
The Board is requested to comment and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2019/20 Municipal Year.
A briefing paper related to improving public safety in the night time economy linked to the private hire and taxi trade is appended to the Work Programme. Any Member wishing to have an officer attend the meeting to speak to the report should contact Constitutional Services by no later than noon on Friday, 6th September.
Additional documents:
The Board gave consideration to the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for 2019/20, noting that the Work Programme would require amendment in light of decisions taken at the meeting. The Chair further advised that an item related to climate change would be considered at the next meeting of the Board in October 2019.
Appended to the Work Programme and further to Minute 11 of the meeting held on 18th June 2019, the Board received an update report on work being undertaken across Greater Manchester in relation to improving public safety in the night time economy linked to the private hire and taxi trade and in relation to the suggestions made within the Council Motion, in particular the promotion of the ‘Ask Angela’ and ‘Street Angel’ schemes through Oldham College, Oldham Sixth From and the University.
Members of the Board were reminded of the workshop on the Council motion relating to tackling speeding that was to be held on Tuesday, 24th September 2019.
1. the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme be noted;
2. the work being undertaken across Greater Manchester in relation to improving public safety in the night time economy linked to the private hire and taxi trade and the ongoing work to promote the ‘Ask Angela’ and ‘Street Angels’ schemes be noted.
18 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme PDF 211 KB
The Board is requested to comment and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2019/20 Municipal Year.
Additional documents:
The Board gave consideration to the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for 2019/20, noting that the Work Programme would require amendment in light of decisions taken at the meeting.
Members noted the Clean Air Update provided as a result from an action from the previous Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting. The briefing provided an update on the issues related to the idling of vehicles and the implications for non-compliant buses after 2021 as Greater Manchester met the requirements of the Government Directive on air quality.
Members noted the Dog Fouling update provided as a result from an action from the previous Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting. The briefing provided an update on issues related to dog fouling and nuisance across the borough and explored opportunities provided by other potential stakeholders such has behaviour change campaigns and educational material. The Board was requested to consider nominating a representative to work with officers to explore the material and initiatives promoted by charities.
The Board also gave consideration to an update on the Tackling Speeding motion which had been requested at the previous Board meeting. Members requested a separate workshop to discuss the issues.
The Board gave consideration to a request from the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to establish a Task and Finish Group to investigate the nature and extent of support available to community groups who sought to acquire the use of Council owned assets to promote community initiatives. The Board supported the proposed Task and Finish Group.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme be noted.
2. The update related to the Clean Air – Idling of Vehicles and Bus Fleet Implications be noted.
3. The update related to Tackling Dog Fouling and Nuisance be noted.
4. Councillor Curley be nominated as the representative from the Overview and Scrutiny Board to work with officers to explore the campaign material and initiatives.
5. The update related to the Tackling Speeding motion be noted and that a workshop be arranged to discuss the way forward on the matter.
6. A Task and Finish Group be established to investigate the nature and extent of support available to community groups who sought to acquire the use of Council owned assets for the promotion of community initiatives.