Issue - meetings

Planning Application / MNA/343101/19 Heyside Congregational Church, Hebron Street, Royton, OL2 6LU

Meeting: 05/06/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 14)

14 Planning Application / MNA/343101/19 Heyside Congregational Church, Hebron Street, Royton, OL2 6LU pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Minor material amendment relating to app no. PA/341925/18 to amend the apartments to 9 no. flats with 1 no. office




APPLICANT: Platinum Estate Investment Group Ltd.


PROPOSAL:  Minor material amendment relating to application number PA/341925/18 to amend the apartments to nine flats with one office


LOCATION:  Heyside Congregational Church, Hebron Street, Royton, OL2 6LU


It was MOVED by Councillor Dean and SECONDED by Councillor Harkness that the application be APPROVED.


On being put to the vote, it was UNANIMOUSLY cast IN FAVOUR OF APPROVAL.


DECISION: That the application be approved subject to the conditions as outlined in the report and a further condition limiting the use of the office as detailed below:-




The office accommodation hereby approved shall be limited to use in connection with the management and maintenance of the property and the proposed use, and shall not be occupied separately for any other office purposes, including those within Class B1(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987.


Reason – The introduction of an independent office use is not considered appropriate having regard to the character of the area and the availability of parking provision.




A Ward Councillor attended the meeting and addressed the Committee in respect of this application.