Issue - meetings

Planning Application / PA/343049/19 THE COACH HOUSE, Selkirk Avenue, Oldham, OL8 4DQ

Meeting: 05/06/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 19)

19 Planning Application / PA/343049/19 THE COACH HOUSE, Selkirk Avenue, Oldham, OL8 4DQ pdf icon PDF 363 KB

1) Proposed demolition of existing house 2) Retention of part existing facade and erection of replacement detached two and a half storey dwelling 3) Associated landscape and external works including new drop kerb






PROPOSAL:  1) Proposed demolition of existing house; 2) retention of part existing facade and erection of replacement detached two and a half storey dwelling; and 3) associated landscape and external works including new drop kerb


LOCATION:  THE COACH HOUSE, Selkirk Avenue, Oldham, OL8 4DQ


It was MOVED by Councillor Iqbal and SECONDED by Councillor Malik that the application be APPROVED.


On being put to the vote, it was UNANIMOUSLY cast IN FAVOUR OF APPROVAL.


DECISION: That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as outlined in the report.