Issue - meetings

Haven Lane, Moorside - Objections to Proposed Waiting and Peak Time Loading Restriction

Meeting: 28/03/2019 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 6)

6 Haven Lane, Moorside - Objections to Proposed Waiting and Peak Time Loading Restriction pdf icon PDF 1017 KB

To consider two objections received to the proposal to introducing waiting and peak time loading restrictions on Haven Lane, Moorside


The Panel gave consideration to a report on the proposed waiting and peak time loading restrictions on Haven Lane, Moorside.


Correspondence was received in 2017 from a number of local residents expressing concerns that vehicles were parking either partially or fully on the footway at the end of the restrictions preventing pedestrians from using the footways.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 9th February 2018 and subsequently advertised. Two letters of objections and one petition had been received. The basis of the objections was that there was no parking available for residents and businesses.


Observations showed that motorist did park in the location on the footway forcing pedestrians to walk in the carriageway. The visibility and free flow of traffic was obstructed due to the width of the carriageway and the slight bend in the highway, which along with the pedestrians being forced into the carriageway would create a highway safety issue.


Options considered


Option 1: to approve the recommendation.

Option 2: not to approve the recommendation.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the order be introduced as originally proposed and in accordance with the schedule at the end of the report.