Issue - meetings

Shaw and Crompton Budget Report and Appendix A

Meeting: 09/10/2018 - Shaw and Crompton District Executive (Item 11)

11 Shaw and Crompton Budget Report and Appendix A pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To update Shaw and Crompton District Executive on budgets

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Shaw and Crompton District Coordinator which sought to inform the Committee of the allocations related to the District Executive’s budgets.


Members were also informed of the “Red Box” project linked to the national campaign on “Period Poverty” and women not being able to afford sanitary products. The “Red Box” project had been discussed at the Royton, Shaw and Crompton Health and Wellbeing Sub-Group with local partners. It had been suggested to link the “Red Box” to the existing “Poverty Work” carried out in partnership with the Salvation Army and the Foodbank. Some funding might be necessary to support the project.



1.    The content of the report be noted;

2.    The individual Councillors’ allowance allocations made since the last meeting be noted;

3.    The allocation of £300 from the ward budget agreed by delegated decision, for weed control at Hopwood Trust be noted;

4.    A grant of £362.97 be agreed to secure public liability insurance for the first year for the Hopwood Trust;

5.    The re-allocation of £7,017 from the Shaw Ward Capital Budget 2017/18 be agreed to replace Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) scheme with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) scheme;

6.    The re-allocation of £5,538 from the Crompton Ward Capital Budget 2017/18 be agreed to replace VAS scheme with ANPR scheme.

7.    The “Red Box” project be endorsed by the District Executive.