Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Licensing Driver Panel (Item 11)


The purpose of this report is to inform Members of an application for a new Dual Driver’s licence; which, due to information being received calls in to question their fitness and propriety to be a suitable person to hold such a licence. As such, the application has been referred to this panel for determination.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that, based on the information provided to the Panel, having considered the Applicant’s conduct and taking into account the Council’s Statement of Fitness and Suitability Policy, the dual hackney carriage / private hire driver’s licence be GRANTED for a period of 12 months, with the following 2 years of the licence to be issued if the applicant continues to evidence a conviction/complaint free period.



1.    the Applicant attended the meeting and addressed the Panel.

2.    That in accordance with Part 4 Paragraph 16.4 of the Council’s Constitution, Councillors Cosgrove, Hamblett and Harrison requested that their votes be recorded against this decision.