Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To seek approval for an exemption from the
requirements of Rule 4 of the Contract Procedures Rules (CPRs) with
the aim to deliver a specialist scheme of works on the Pennine
Bridleway by CPY Excavations.
Utilise Rule 21 of the Contract Procedure Rules and exempt the
requirement under Rule 4 of the CPRs to carry out an open quotation
process. This will enable a direct award of a contract to CPY
CPY Excavations has the required specialist knowledge and
operations to deliver the Council’s requirements and the
Company has a proven history of similar schemes.
Undertake an open quotation process in
accordance with Contract Procedure Rules - Due to the required
specialist knowledge and operations it is highly unlikely to source
an alternative contractor with the necessary knowledge and
experience of delivering this scheme.
The preferred option is to authorize and grant
CPR exemption and allow the direct award for works to be given to
CPY Excavations. This is due to the planned works bordering on a
Natural England designated Site of Special Scientific Interest
(SSSI) and Special Area of Conservation. The proposed works require
specialist knowledge and experience, particularly specialist
knowledge relating to path construction techniques and habitat
restoration as well as specialist equipment for accessing otherwise
inaccessible locations. As CPY Excavations has satisfactorily
undertaken schemes for ourselves in previous financial years as
well as a number of other Local Authorities they are our preferred
and specialist contractor for such schemes.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Not applicable
Contact: Liam Kennedy, PRoW Officer Email: Email:
Publication date: 12/09/2024
Date of decision: 16/08/2024
Accompanying Documents: