Decision details

Representations to Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places Order – Various Locations

Decision Maker: Highway Regulation Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Panel gave consideration to a report which sought approval for the proposed disabled parking places at various places in the Borough.


The Panel was informed that a report recommending the introduction of 41 disabled persons parking places at various locations in the Borough was approved under delegated powers on 3rd August 2022. The proposal was subsequently advertised, and several representations were received in relation to the 7 proposed parking places below –


·         64 Grafton Street, Failsworth

·         4 Andrew Street, Failsworth

·         22 Consort Avenue, Royton

·         6 Kelso Close, Oldham

·         2 Zealand Street, Oldham

·         12 Grove Road, Uppermill

·         5 Staley Street, Oldham


The Council were informed that the applicant at Grafton Street and Andrew Street had moved home. Therefore, those proposed parking places would be removed from the scheme. The applicant at Consort Avenue contacted the Council to request an alternative location for the bay. Therefore, that proposed parking place would be transferred to next year’s scheme. One letter of objection was received to the proposed parking place at Kelso Close. In summary the objector states that the position of the bay will impact on their parking arrangements forcing them to park further away from their home. One letter of objection was received to the proposed parking place at Zealand Street but later withdrawn. Therefore, the proposed bay would be introduced as advertised. One letter of objection was received to the proposed parking space at Grove Road. In summary the objector states that the proposed disabled bay would result in a significant reduction in the available space directly outside their property. Three letters of objection were received to the proposed parking space at Staley Street. In summary, the objectors state that there was a limited amount of space on the street for residents to park and the

proposed disabled bay would reduce that further.


In light of the objections, it was recommended by Officers that the proposed disabled persons parking places are introduced in accordance with the schedule in the original report except for the bays at Grafton Street, Andrew Street and Consort Avenue.


Options considered:


Option 1: Do not introduce the disabled persons parking places at Kelso Close, Grove Road and Staley Street.


Option 2: Introduce the disabled persons parking places at Kelso Close, Grove Road and Staley Street.


RESOLVED that, as per the recommendation, the disabled persons parking places on Kelso Close, Grove Road and Staley Street be introduced in accordance with the schedule in the original report as attached at Appendix A.


Contact: Jeannette Whitney, Technical Support Admin Email:

Report author: Jeannette Whitney

Publication date: 26/03/2024

Date of decision: 19/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/01/2023 - Highway Regulation Committee

Accompanying Documents: