Decision details

A672 Oldham Road, Denshaw (Rest Area) RW Reconstruction Tender Award

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Don't Trash Oldham

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Work includes the replacement of a dilapidated retaining wall.


to appoint Coating Service Limited, who submitted the most economically advantageous and methodologically sound tender, to commence retaining wall reconstruction works at the A672 Oldham Road, Denshaw

Reasons for the decision:

Option 1 is to reconstruct the retaining wall after first stabilising the foundations using concrete piles anchored into the bedrock.
Option 2 is to maintain the existing temporary stabilisation works in the short to medium term and monitor the existing adjacent retaining walls for signs of movement. However, this option comes with the risk that the temporary stabilisation works may themselves fail over time which could result in even more damage to the adjacent retaining walls and pose a threat to the safety of the public and increase the costs of the permanent works.

Alternative options considered:

Option 2

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000 (Significant expenditure or savings);

Wards Affected: Saddleworth North;

Key Decision Reference: NEI-18-19

Making Representations: N/A

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation with ward members prior to works being carried out.


Consultees ward members.

Contact: Rezwan Khan, Senior Engineer Rezwan Khan Email:

Publication date: 08/01/2020

Date of decision: 23/12/2019

Effective from: 16/01/2020

Accompanying Documents: