Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Consideration was given to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 13: Northern Roots – Contract Award and Next Steps for Phased Delivery.
That the Cabinet:
1. Notes the progress to date within the report and the various objectives to be achieved by the progression of the Northern Roots project
2. Approves the draw down of the allocated external grant awards to progress with the visitor centre, skills centre and associated works at the site.
3. Approves awarding a Stage 2 design and build contract to Willmott Dixon Construction Limited to undertake the contract works as set out in this report. Noting robust monitoring of the works to ensure delivery on time, within budget and to the required standards to meet the funding criteria/objectives.
4. Agrees to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with Portfolio holders, the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to approve the procurement and appointment of sub-contractors and service providers to supply any works, supplies or services needed to deliver the project.
5. Agrees to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with Portfolio holders, the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer, or his nominated representative, to progress leasing/licensing arrangements to facilitate delivery of the capital build and delivery of the masterplan.
6. Agrees to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with Borough Solicitor, or his nominated representative, to reset the governance arrangements with the Northern Roots Charity to ensure effective working relationships, effective management of the site, and monitoring of the required objectives.
Publication date: 24/01/2025
Date of decision: 20/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/02/2025
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