Decision details

Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Infrastructure

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health that sought approval for the award of the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSFE) infrastructure grant of £270,500 per annum to Action Together CIO and for a grant funding agreement to be entered into with Action Together CIO under which the total funding of total £811,500 would be provided for the period1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028 (3 years).


The Cabinet was informed that the Council had, for a number of years, provided grant funding to Action Together CIO (AT) in contribution to a project designed and delivered by AT under which free support is provided to a range of voluntary, community and faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations. The grant is funded through the Council's Priority Programme Fund (PPF). The grant funding includes VCFSE infrastructure provision.


AT provided a range of VCFSE infrastructure support in Oldham, as well as in both Tameside and Rochdale. They also play a prominent role in the leadership of the sector at a Greater Manchester level through 10GM and the GM VCFSE Leadership Group which champions the role of communities in devolution. Further, AT has an influential voice within these forums, which contributes to Oldham’s co-operative ambition to influence across the Greater Manchester city region.


In considering the report the Cabinet expressed their gratitude to the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Dean, the Director of Public Health and her staff and to Action Together for the work involved in the compilation of this report.


Options/alternatives considered:

Option 1 - Cabinet approves the award of the VCFSE infrastructure grant of £811,500 (£270,500 per year) to Action Together CIO (subject to a satisfactory subsidy control assessment), and authority is given for the Council to enter into a suitable form of grant funding agreement with Action Together CIO for a period of three years (1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028), as detailed in this report. The grant funding agreement would be drafted by Legal Services on standard terms and conditions and subject to a fit for purpose project specification. Also, Cabinet approves the Borough Solicitor carries out all necessary legal formalities. The grant does not cover the full costs of delivery and represents a real term cut year on year taking into account the increase of costs. Given the limitations of the funding available the agreement should ensure continued focus on core provision of community development, volunteering and strategic representation. The option would provide medium-term continuity of provision and strategic support for the wider VCFSE sector.

Option 2 – The VCFSE Infrastructure Grant is renewed for a further one year (1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028) at the same level. This would be out of line with current NAVCA best practice and commitment in the Greater Manchester GM VCFSE Accord. The short-term nature of the agreement may impact on the level and quality of support available for the wider VCFSE sector.

Option 3 – Do not award the infrastructure grant. This is not regarded as a viable option as there would be a loss of infrastructure support to the VCFSE sector in Oldham. This would impact upon the capacity of the sector to develop and grow, the recruitment and placement of volunteers, and opportunities for securing external funding.

Preferred Option: Option One.



1.    Cabinet approves the recommendation that a VCFSE infrastructure grant of £811,500 to Action Together CIO is approved (subject to a satisfactory subsidy control assessment), and that authority is given for the Council to enter into a suitable form of grant funding agreement with Action Together CIO for a period of three years (1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028), as detailed in this report. The grant funding agreement would be drafted by Legal Services on standard terms and conditions and subject to a fit for purpose project specification.

2.    Cabinet is also asked to grant approval for the Borough Solicitor, or his nominated representative, to carry out all necessary legal formalities.

Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 20/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: