Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Economy, which outlined a project to develop a clear vision and delivery plan incorporating surveys and appraisals of a minimum of five heritage buildings. The aim was to increase the understanding of at-risk heritage buildings with the objective of enabling their restoration and repurposing back into viable uses.
The delivery of the project aligned with the Creating a Better Place framework to regenerate and enhance Oldham town centre and across the wider borough.
The Cabinet was advised that the listed and heritage buildings in Oldham town centre make a positive contribution to the town’s character. However, the historic nature of the buildings and associated high costs to repurpose has discouraged their renovation and occupation leading to their declining use and creating a heritage deficit. The recommendations contained in this report seek to unlock these obstacles by setting out a clear pathway to understand the costs to refurbish, repurpose and align future uses to provide a sustainable economic and social value.
The proposed Heritage Vision and Asset Delivery Plan responds to the concerns of the local community about the deterioration of Oldham town centre heritage assets, obtained during public conversations and consultations including Oldham’s Big Conversation; the Oldham Town Centre Vision linked to the Creating a Better Place strategic regeneration framework; and meetings of the Oldham High Street Partnership (since February 2024) and Oldham Town Centre Board (since February 2020).
Options/allternatives considered:
Option 1: to accept the external revenue grants offered by Historic England and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This will commit the Council to providing revenue funding to the maximum value of £100,000 for spend by 31 March 2026.
Option 2: decline the offer of external grants from Historic England and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This would lead to there being insufficient budget to proceed with the project and increase hurdles to the future use and occupation of the heritage buildings in the town centre.
Preferred Option: Option 1.
The Cabinet authorises the following:
1. The delivery of a project to survey a minimum of five heritage buildings in Oldham town centre and generate a new strategic vision and delivery plan for these assets by 31st March 2026.
2. The acceptance of a revenue grant worth £200,000 from Historic England.
3. The acceptance of a revenue grant worth £100,000 from Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
4. The Council to provide match funding towards the external grants at a ratio of 25% subject to a maximum Council commitment of £100,000.
5. The delegation of approval to the Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham in consultation with the Director of Economy, the Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer, the Director of Finance (or their appointed nominees) to:
(i) appoint external advisors (for the provision of professional services) up to contract value of £400,000 in accordance with the Council’s procurement procedures and
(ii) select the buildings which are to be part of the project.
6. The Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer or his nominated representative to sign and/or affix the Common Seal of the Council to all the documents and associated or ancillary documents referred to above and/or required to give effect to the recommendations in this report.
Publication date: 24/01/2025
Date of decision: 20/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 20/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: