Decision details

Creating a Better Place - Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Consideration was given to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 12: Creating a Better Place.



1.    The progress being made in relation to the Creating a Better Place (CaBP) Programme that supports revenue savings generated, progress towards the borough’s carbon reduction targets, creation of new jobs, apprentice opportunities, new homes for Oldham’s residents and increased social value, be approved.

2.    The social value gained for Oldhams residents and communities through the design, development and delivery of the projects within the CaBP programme, be approved.

3.    The technical, legal and commercial recommendations for certain projects are contained within the submitted report, including the relevant financial, contractual or legal recommendations for each of the projects within the Council’s CaBP capital programme as set out in sections 4- 6 of this report, be approved.

4.    The recommendations following a further review of the CaBP capital programme assessing the risks, impacts of change, deliverability, financial impact and contractual challenges to identify any potential opportunities to ensure alignment of the projects with the political priorities of the Council, and to reduce prudential borrowing in order to save revenue (repayments) as part of the budget savings options, be approved.

5.    The delegation of approval to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders and Directors of Economy, Finance and Legal for any further contractual, technical or financial decisions for the delivery of the CaBP projects referenced (all of which follow previous Cabinet approvals on the holistic detail and parameters for project delivery, contractual obligations and financial management) in full consultation with the relevant portfolio holder(s), be approved.

6.    The delegation of approval to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders and Director of Finance for reviewing and approving the results of the CaBP capital programme review to identify savings, as the results will be fed back to Cabinet and full Council as part of the budget setting process for next year, be approved.

7.    The delegation of approval to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders and Directors of Economy, Finance and Legal for any further contractual, technical or financial decisions in respect of any long-term leasing agreements to provide Temporary Accommodation (TA) provision within the borough, be approved.

8.    The delegation of authority to the Director of Legal, or his nominees to formalise any necessary legal requirements including signing and/or sealing any documentation required to give effect to the recommendations and/or delegations in this report, be approved.

Publication date: 19/07/2024

Date of decision: 15/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: