Decision details

Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting Order - Cragg Road/Mill Brow/Street Bridge Road, Chadderton

Decision Maker: Highway Regulation Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Panel considered this report, taking into account the representation received to the introduction of prohibition of waiting restrictions at the junction

of Cragg Road/Mill Brow and Street Bridge Road, Chadderton.


A report which recommended the introduction of  double yellow lines at the junction of Cragg Road/ Mill Brow and Street Bridge Road, Chadderton was approved under delegated powers on 02 January 2023. It was initially thought that no objections had been received to the proposal, consequently, arrangements were made to have the yellow lines marked on site. However, the introduction of the lines resulted in one of the residents making contact with the Traffic Team to explain they had tried to speak with someone about the scheme during the advertisement period. Unfortunately, their request had been misdirected and their objection was received after the advertisement period had ended. Although the lines have been marked on site, the operational date for the order has been put on hold to give the Panel opportunity to consider the objection.


In summary, the objector stated that without a drive or access to private land to park their vehicle outside their property, the new markings mean that they either had to park further down the road, out of view of their CCTV Cameras, or in the nearby car parks. The objectors claim they would have to change insurance if they were to park it in a separate car park, away from their home.


In response to the objection: the proposed parking restrictions were intended to remove vehicles parking within the bend of the carriageway and reduce pavement parking. Officers had revisited the site and whilst the length of the proposed restrictions on Street Bridge Road remove on street parking, they could be reduced in length by 12 metres; whilst this would assist the objector the overall objectives of the proposal would also be achieved.


Options considered:


Option 1: Introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised

Option 2: Reduce the extent of the restrictions along the northern kerbline of Street Bridge Road

Option 3: Do not introduce the proposed restrictions


RESOLVED that, as per the recommendation, the proposed

restrictions be introduced as advertised.

Wards Affected: Chadderton North;

Contact: Jeannette Whitney, Technical Support Admin Email:

Report author: Jeannette Whitney

Publication date: 26/03/2024

Date of decision: 15/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 15/06/2023 - Highway Regulation Committee

Accompanying Documents: