Decision details

LGA Corporate Peer Challenge - Feedback and next steps

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which updated members on the outcome and findings of the recent Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) and to agree the Council’s action plan in response to the recommendations.


In early-November 2023 the Local Government Association (LGA) undertook a Corporate Peer Challenge in Oldham. The purpose of this was for the experienced and knowledgeable peer team to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement at Oldham Council.


The review looked at five key areas: ‘our priorities and outcomes’, ‘organisational and place leadership’, ‘governance and culture’, ‘financial planning and management’ and ‘capacity for improvement’.


The most recent review had been broadly positive recognising a range of improvements made since the last LGA Peer Challenge in 2020, including the transformation of the town centre; clear corporate priorities, performance management and grip on the organisation; and that staff are passionate about getting the best for Oldham. The review also suggested nine key recommendations which will support the organisation to meet its key priorities.


Options/alternatives considered:

Option 1: to note the recommendations and content of the Corporate Peer Challenge report, agree to the actions laid out in the action plan and note the timescales for completing those actions. This course of action would allow the council to improve in line with the recommendations.


Option 2: Do not agree with the actions set out in the action plan. This course of action would mean business as usual and disregarding the recommendations set out by the Corporate Peer Challenge.



1.    That the Cabinet notes the LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge report, summarising their findings and recommendations

2.    That the Cabinet agrees the Council’s response and action plan, as detailed in the submitted report.

3.    That the Cabinet agrees to refer the Corporate Peer Challenge report to Full Council for consideration.

Publication date: 29/01/2024

Date of decision: 22/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/01/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: