Decision details

To extend the provision of an Ofsted Inspection Readiness Programme for non-domestic childcare providers

Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Permission is being sought to utilise the 1 year extension available under the Council’s contract with Early Years Alliance for the provision of the Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers (nurseries & pre-schools)
The contract with Early Years Alliance for the delivery of the Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers locally commenced on 10 October 2022 for 1 year with the option to extend the for a further 1 year.
The programme will continue to offer value for money as a saving will be achieved in the extension period from the original contract.


This report seeks approval to utilise the 1 year extension period under the contract with Early Years Alliance to enable the continued delivery of a Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers locally.
The programme will respond to the local authority statutory duties of responding to providers deemed to be less than ‘good’, including those who have received concern and compliance visits from Ofsted. The programme will help to ensure that Oldham’s non-domestic childcare providers continue to deliver high quality Early Years education.
Local authorities are required by legislation to secure training for:
•those registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register who are judged less than ‘good’ by Ofsted in their most recent inspection report;
•newly registered providers on the Ofsted Early Years Register who have not yet had an inspection report published;

Reasons for the decision:

Option 1 - Approval for the for the 1 year extension of the contract with Early Years Alliance.
A formal ITQ process has been undertaken which made provision for the extension. Emerging risks will be managed through formal contract monitoring processes.
Option 2: Not approve the extension of the Early Education contract to extend the term by 1 year
This could pose a risk to the sufficiency for childcare in Oldham, as not awarding the contract would lead to poor quality provision for Early Years and resulting in large numbers of Ofsted judgements becoming less than good.

Alternative options considered:

Not approve the extension of the Early Education contract to extend the term by 1 year
This could pose a risk to the sufficiency for childcare in Oldham, as not awarding the contract would lead to poor quality provision for Early Years and resulting in large numbers of Ofsted judgements becoming less than good

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Provision exists in the current contract to extend this arrangement for a final year in line with the recommendations in this report. The Commercial Procurement Unit therefore supports the recommendations in this report and will work with the Commissioning team to develop a service specification that is in accordance with procurement obligations such as value for money and transparency.
The proposals relate to the extension of an existing contract, the aim of which is to ensure quality childcare provision in non-domestic settings. This will be to the benefit of all children in the borough

Contact: Rachel Peterson, Learning Support Apprentice Email: Email:

Publication date: 01/02/2024

Date of decision: 28/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: