Decision details

Physical Stock

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive -

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Arrangements for the provision of library stock are required to ensure the continuity of provision following expiry of the current contracts.

As consortium members of the NWLC, we currently receive a significant discount on the cost of library stock, it is unlikely that we would receive such terms as an individual authority with a much smaller spend. One of the benefits of the current arrangement is the reduced staff time involved in the selection of stock and management of the supply. We do not currently have the capacity to take on an individual arrangement


Purchase Adult Stock and Children’s Stock for the Library Service as a participating NWLC member under the call-of contracts which Rotherham Borough Council will put in place following a mini-competition under each of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of the ESPO Framework Agreement for Library Stock 376F_22.

Reasons for the decision:

Option 1: commission a supplier of Adult Stock and Children’s Stock for the Library Service as an individual authority in compliance with Contract Procedure Rules

Option 2: purchase Adult Stock and Children’s Stock for the Library Service as a participating NWLC member under the call-of contracts which Rotherham Borough Council will put in place following a mini-competition under each of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of the ESPO Framework Agreement for Library Stock 376F_22

Alternative options considered:

Option 1: commission a supplier of Adult Stock and Children’s Stock for the Library Service as an individual authority in compliance with Contract Procedure Rules

Other reasons / organisations consulted


Contact: Subnum Hariff-Khan, Library and Information Manager Email: Email:

Publication date: 20/11/2023

Date of decision: 06/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: