Decision details

Contract variation for the provision of Pharmacy EHC service

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this report is to seek permission to review and update the Dynamic Purchasing System Agreement, including the service specification, for the provision of a locally commissioned community pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) service (DPS) in accordance with Rule 17 of the Contract Procedure Rules.


Option B: Approval to vary the DPS to clarify the terms and conditions, to update the service specification, and to align the call-off terms with the DPS terms and conditions to encourage more pharmacies to sign up and deliver the EHC service and to vary the specification of the Service Level Agreement with CHL to reflect the DPS updates. This will result in local residents having access to free and timely use of effective Emergency Hormonal Contraception provisions within their neighbourhood.

Reasons for the decision:

Option A - To continue with the current arrangements which will mean that there is limited provision available to residents living within the borough. This could widen health inequalities which could negatively impact on local population health and the borough.
Option B - Approval to vary the DPS to clarify the terms and conditions, to update the service specification, and to align the call-off terms with the DPS terms and conditions to encourage more pharmacies to sign up and deliver the EHC service and to vary the specification of the Service Level Agreement with CHL to reflect the DPS updates. This will result in local residents having access to free and timely use of effective Emergency Hormonal Contraception provisions within their neighbourhood.
This is the recommended option.

Alternative options considered:

Option A - To continue with the current arrangements which will mean that there is limited provision available to residents living within the borough. This could widen health inequalities which could negatively impact on local population health and the borough.

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has been undertaken with the Director of Public Health and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care. Consultation activity has been undertaken with community pharmacies via the GM LPC.

Contact: Muzamil Khan, Public Health Commissioning Officer Email: Email:

Publication date: 12/09/2023

Date of decision: 31/08/2023

Accompanying Documents: