Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Oldham alongside 74 other LAs, including
Bolton, Tameside,
Rochdale and Manchester met the government’s criteria
receive a share of £82m ringfenced funding for Family
The criteria used targets funding at areas with the highest
of deprivation to support the Government’s levelling-up
Start for Life agenda.
Family Hubs is a new national initiative which looks to
a range of services that support families at a universal and
targeted level. The expectations for delivery include coproduce
activities and achieve shared goals in partnership with
the different organisations.
Oldham has received £3,648,000.00 from the National
Government Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme (DfE) to
develop the Programme across the borough. The funding will
be from December 2022 until March 2025.
This report seeks approval to exempt Contract Procedure Rules
to enable a direct contract award to Triple P UK Limited and
direct contract award to Family Links to deliver elements of
the Family Hubs Parenting Support strand and to implement
activities and services to improve ability of parents to care
their children/young people.
Oldham’s Family Hubs Programme is aimed at improving
ability of parents to care for their children/young people
resulting in improved child/young people and parent
outcomes including mental wellbeing, behaviour, and
child/young people development range of areas.
Option 1 (recommended): exempt Contract Procedure Rules to
enable a direct contract award to Triple P UK Limited and to
Family Links, each for a term commencing on 31st of August
2023, or as soon as possible, to deliver elements of the
Hubs Parenting Support strand and to implement activities and
services to improve ability of parents to care for their
children/young people
Option 1 (recommended): exempt Contract
Procedure Rules to
enable a direct contract award to Triple P UK Limited and to
Family Links, each for a term commencing on 31st of August
2023, or as soon as possible, to deliver elements of the
Hubs Parenting Support strand and to implement activities and
services to improve ability of parents to care for their
children/young people
The overall value is £73,414,30 broken down as follows:
Evidence Based Intervention
Suppliers Total per Supplier
Triple P £57,109.30
Family Links £16,305.00
Total amount £73,414.30
Option 2: ignore the Family Hubs consultations communities,
families and targeted consultations with parents online and
person at family events; consultations with experts -staff
the Right Start Service, Early Help Service, Early Years’
and Social Care -; DfE requirements. If a different provider
commissioned to provide the activities, there is a risk that
parents, families and staff would not receive the right wrap
around support that Family Hubs is aiming at. In addition,
there may be insufficient time for a full procurement and
commissioning exercise to be undertaken within the
timeframes set by the DfE.
Option 3: not commission the specific services/activities,
failing in the commitments agreed with the DfE and losing the
opportunity to reach out more parents and families living in
Option 2: ignore the Family Hubs consultations
families and targeted consultations with parents online and
person at family events; consultations with experts -staff
the Right Start Service, Early Help Service, Early Years’
and Social Care -; DfE requirements. If a different provider
commissioned to provide the activities, there is a risk that
parents, families and staff would not receive the right wrap
around support that Family Hubs is aiming at. In addition,
there may be insufficient time for a full procurement and
commissioning exercise to be undertaken within the
timeframes set by the DfE.
Option 3: not commission the specific services/activities,
failing in the commitments agreed with the DfE and losing the
opportunity to reach out more parents and families living in
Other reasons / organisations consulted
A stakeholder event has been carried out in
order to develop
the Family Hubs delivery model of which these
services/activities are part.
Contact: Shaima Tekrawala, Project Manager Apprentice Level 4 Email: Email:
Publication date: 12/09/2023
Date of decision: 23/08/2023
Effective from:
Current call-in Count: 0
Accompanying Documents: