Decision details

Extension of Bounce Together Wellbeing Measurement Platform for Primary Settings

Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A decision is sought to request approval for a short-term contract extension (until end of 2022-23 financial year) to be directly awarded to
Bounce Together Ltd. for continued provision of a platform of evidence-based mental health and wellbeing measuring tools for 46 Oldham
primary schools. This would be used to both deliver measurements and analyse the results.
This platform is already being utilised by these schools, as well as Oldham secondary and post16 settings (including those in the specialist
sector). Extension will continue to provide a single system across our education settings, allowing comparison between settings and
trusts, as well as across the borough.


Authority be given to make a direct award of a contract to Bounce Together Ltd to extend the time period of their contract to continue delivery to 46 primary settings who have been engaged in the project.

Reasons for the decision:

Option 1 - Approve the awarding of a contract to Bounce Together Ltd to extend the time period of their contract to continue delivery to 46
primary settings who have been engaged in the project
Option 2 - To not proceed with the commission and award of contract, putting the funding back into the DfE Opportunity Area (OA) programme

Alternative options considered:

Option 2

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has taken place with Cllr Mushtaq via the OA Partnership Board, The OA year 5 cabinet paper and through direct briefings.

Contact: Chrissy Orson, Mental Health in Education Advisor Email: Email:

Publication date: 14/07/2022

Date of decision: 13/07/2022

Effective from: 22/07/2022

Accompanying Documents: