Decision details

Royton Town Hall and Library

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Interim Director of Economy and Skills, which provided the Cabinet with details of the progress of the refurbishment of Royton Town Hall and Library buildings.

The report presented a summary of the detailed wok carried out to date in bringing forward the project including:

·       Assumed costs

·       Additional surveys

·       Desktop work to confirm the foundation of the design

An exhaustive value engineering exercise had been undertaken to drive down costs as much as possible without compromising the integrity of the project.

Options/Alternatives considered

Option 1 – Do nothing.

Option 2 – Joint Venture/Private Partner

Option 3 – Increase prudential borrowing

Option 4 – De-prioritise other capital projects or allocate currently uncommitted resources.

Members welcomed the proposals stating that the refurbishment would preserve the historical Town Hall building allowing relocation of the library to the main building and create greater accessibility for members of the public.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 10 of the agenda.


Publication date: 18/09/2018

Date of decision: 17/09/2018

Decided at meeting: 17/09/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 26/09/2018

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