Decision details

Establishment of a Temporary GIS Programme Team

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader, GM ICS Executive Place Lead

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Ensure that that council can make use of its Geographic Information to support the borough economic development, meet resident needs and meet statutory obligations


Establish a Temporary GIS Programme Team
Establishment of a Temporary GIS Programme Team would mean the following benefits would be realised.
Well-managed and effective use of geospatial information along with properly implemented ‘fit for purpose’ systems and solution can provide real benefits to the Council in the way in which it delivers services to residents, businesses and partners. The following key benefits for Oldham are
•Better decision making: easy access to quality shared intelligence and information, improved customer insight with easily understood and appropriate geographically based performance management information.
•Greater GIS support for self-service through use of web mapping: a first line of response for public enquiries, reduced time spent by residents and businesses finding information about services.
•Each resident’s GIS customer related journey through council services will be efficient, add value, and unnecessary/ repeat contact will be avoided. Timely provision of accurate up to date geographical information will improve levels of customer service.
•Reduced data duplication: use of master dataset reduces costs, errors and facilitates the sharing of services by referring to the same data.
•Information sharing culture and framework that will facilitate and encourage joint working between services and with partner agencies leading to better services and strategic advantage.
The GIS Programme will ultimately enable better use of Council resources, providing a positive impact on ways of working on a daily basis, enabling officer to be spent more effectively in delivering services.

Reasons for the decision:

Option A Do Nothing
Option B Establish a Temporary GIS Programme Team

Alternative options considered:

Option A Do Nothing

Other reasons / organisations consulted

GIS Programme Board
Key Stakeholders within Oldham Council

Contact: Dami Awobajo, Head of Business Intelligence Ext 1559 Email: Email:

Publication date: 30/07/2018

Date of decision: 28/06/2018

Effective from: 07/08/2018

Accompanying Documents: