Decision details

Don't Trash Oldham Campaign: Year End Review and Next Steps

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Leader of the Council which sought approval to roll out further activities over the next twelve months in support of the continuation of the Don’t Trash Oldham campaign, utilising funding commitments from earlier in the year

It was reported that clean streets and tackling issues of fly tipping and littering that blight Oldham’s communities remained a priority for Oldham residents and for the Council. The Don’t Trash Oldham (DTO) campaign commenced in September 2021, following Cabinet approval, which focused on community engagement, and confirmed the investment and resources required in order to strengthen current street cleaning and enforcement activity.

This report provided an end of year report and detailed the outcomes and achievements over the last twelve months; it examined the lessons learnt (what has worked and what could be improved) and proposed some new measures / targeted interventions for the next twelve months, following announcements earlier this year about a further financial commitment.

Members welcomed the report and the achievements of the campaign and asked that a vote of thanks be recorded for all the staff involved in the Campaign and the benefits it has achieved.


Option /alternatives considered

Option1 - Continue with the current approach and extend the campaign by revisiting the areas on rotation for one month in line with Appendix 1 of the report with enhanced visibility.

Option 2 -Target known hotspot locations with enforcement, engagement and dedicated clean up to induce behaviour change, and introduce a boroughwide ‘betterment’ plan to enhance all local communities / establish a DTO legacy.

Option 3 - Do nothing and bring the campaign to a close with the year end report, and convert the funds to support in-year funding pressures.



1.    The achievements of the Don’t Trash Oldham Campaign across the borough over the last twelve months be noted.

2.    The proposals to roll out further activities over the next twelve months in support of the continuation of the DTO campaign, utilising funding commitments from earlier in the year be noted.

3.    Option 2 as outlined in the report be approved for a focused and targeted delivery campaign to significantly improve the living conditions for our local communities, and to ensure a sustainable legacy is created with the available funding. 

4.    A vote of thanks be given to all staff involved in the Don’t Trash Oldham Campaign.

Publication date: 04/10/2022

Date of decision: 21/09/2022

Decided at meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/10/2022

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