Issue details

Broomes Park, Chadderton (Drainage Scheme) - Budget Increase and Implications

A drainage scheme within the Transport Capital Programme ‘Broomes Park, Chadderton’ is currently on-site (since March 2019). The purpose of the scheme has been to install new drainage infrastructure along Broomes Park and Hunt Lane to alleviate historical flooding issues to properties on Broomes Park. The scheme is well advanced but has hit several difficulties. This has resulted in the scheme contingency being used in full and the need for additional budget to be secured which is the subject of this report.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/07/2019

Decision due: 16 Jul 2019 by Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader

Contact: Eleanor Sykes, Transportation Policy Officer 0161 770 1668, Email: Email:

Consultation process

Unity and Council Officers.
