Issue - decisions

Request for an Extension to the Right Start Service Contract provided by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust

25/06/2019 - Request for an Extension to the Right Start Service Contract provided by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Reform requesting and extension to the current contract.


The Cabinet was informed that the early years period had a critical influence on future outcomes throughout life. The provision of high quality, effective services, which supported local residents at this critical time was therefore a priority. In recent years progress had been made in integrating public health and education services to provide a joined-up offer for families. As this model of children’s services provision in Oldham was further developed, there were opportunities to consider how community, health and care services could be more effectively joined up as part of a place-based model, to create a more seamless offer for children and families.


At its meeting on 15 December 2018 Cabinet agreed to extend the current contract for the delivery of Oldham’s integrated early years offer – Right Start Service, up to 31st March 2020. The agreement was for a one-year extension at the same contract value.


Bridgewater had since informed the Council that the one-year extension at the same price was not a viable option for them and a further decision was needed about the future of the contract.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

Option1 - Accept Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust rejection of the one year extension and move to new provider arrangements with immediate effect

Option 2 - Approve a two-year extension of the contract at increased contract value to account for increased service costs and demands.


RESOLVED that  the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 16 of the agenda.