Agenda item

Liberal Democrats Budget Amendment Proposals 2024/25

Liberal Democrat Budget Proposals 2024/2025.


Consideration was given to a report outlining the Liberal Democrat Budget Amendment Proposals 2024/25 which presented to the Scrutiny Board, the Liberal Democrats suggested amendments to the Administration’s Budget proposals for 2024/25 and offered some forward-looking proposals to achieve savings in future years.

The Liberal Democrats Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Resources, Councillor Al-Hamdani was in attendance to introduce the report and answer questions. Councillor Al Hamdani thanked officer for their assistance in preparing the proposals but pointed out the difficulties caused by the short timescale of the budget process.

The Liberal Democrats Capital Investment Proposals proposed £2m additional capital investment required to deliver ‘Investment in Our Districts’ which would be financed by redeploying part of the Fund for Emerging Priorities included in the report ‘Capital Strategy and Capital Programme 2024/25 to 2028/29’ considered by the Board on 25 January 2024. The proposed expenditure left a total of £7.426m remaining within the Fund and did not require any Prudential Borrowing and therefore neither added expenditure to the Capital Programme nor incurred any additional revenue expenditure in the form of capital financing costs.

The Liberal Democrats proposed a range of additional budget reduction proposals for 2024/25 which would make £0.311m available for investment with a further £0.139m in 2025/26 as detailed in Section 4 of the report. The resource would be used to invest in a range of proposals aimed at improving the lives of residents within the borough. Proposed additional investments included:

Highways and Pavement Repairs (£0.100m)

Recreational and Green Spaces (£0.100m)

Youth Services (£0.050m)

Investment in Crime and Safety (£0.050m)

Whit Friday Band Contest (£0.011m)


Budget reduction proposals:

OPP-BR1-201 – Reconsideration of Council priorities with regards to the communications and Research Service (£0.365m)

OPP-BR1-202 – Reduction in mileage budgets to reflect change in work practices (£0.055m)

OPP-BR1-203 – Reduction in Trade Union Facilities Time (£0.070m)

OPP-BR1-204 – Review of car allowances to reduce the amount paid as a lump sum to staff doing zero or minimal mileage (£0.050m)

OPP-BR1-205 – Reduction in the Stationary Budget (£0.010m)


The report also suggested several areas for future consideration by the administration.

The Director of Finance in the role of Responsible Officer under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 had evaluated the proposals and confirmed that the budget amendments as presented were robust and deliverable. However, as it was an alternative set of budget options the opportunity for testing the risks associated with the proposals are more limited and it is therefore necessary to afford a level of caution in presenting these alternatives.


1.         That the following budget reduction proposals are accepted and referred to the Cabinet:

OPP-BR1-201 – Reconsideration of Council priorities with regards to the communications and Research Service (£0.365m)

OPP-BR1-202 – Reduction in mileage budgets to reflect change in work practices (£0.055m)

OPP-BR1-204 – Review of car allowances to reduce the amount paid as a lump sum to staff doing zero or minimal mileage (£0.050m)                       

2.         The remaining budget proposals contained in the report be rejected.



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