Agenda item

Adult Social Care - Care Market Update

A report providing an overview of Oldham’s care market. 


The Director Adult Social Care and Assistant Director for Commissioning and Market Management submitted a report and gave a presentation providing an overview of Oldham’s care market.

Under the Care Act 2014, Adult Social Care departments in Local Authorities have a number of commissioning responsibilities. Authorities have the duty to promote diversity and quality in service provision. Local authorities should engage in market shaping activities to ensure that any person requiring Care and Support/Support Services: a) Has a variety of providers supplying a variety of services to choose from; b) Has a variety of high quality services to choose from; and c) Has sufficient information to make an informed decision about how to meet the needs in question .Local authorities should ensure that they have effective strategies to understand likely demand for such services, ensure stability and to shape the marketplace so that the right services are available.

A further duty is market shaping and commissioning of adult care and support services. Market shaping and commissioning activities should prioritize wellbeing and outcomes. This involves promoting and monitoring quality among individual providers and the overall marketplace. Key principles include encouraging a skilled workforce, monitoring service delivery's timeliness, reliability, and appropriateness, ensuring capacity and sustainability, and complying with the Equality Act. Local authorities must develop markets for Care and Support provision, balancing high-quality care with the understanding that providers may exit. Authorities should collaborate with and support providers, adapt commissioning arrangements, and ensure diverse service options for varied needs and locations. Strategies should be designed in consultation with providers and communities to address local market needs effectively.

Local authorities also have a duty to carry out contingency planning and manage service interruptions caused by supplier failure to ensure that the needs of affected persons and carers continue to be met.

In Oldham we want to work with care providers to ensure we commission services that are good quality, financial sustainable and create pathways of care for our service users. Commissioned services will be based on a strengths-based approach in line with our vision for adult social care, and will look for opportunities to improve and develop.

The presentation gave a statistical breakdown of the 3,325 service users and activity by the Adult Social Care Team. The presentation also highlighted ratings of providers carried out by the Care Quality Commission as part of their inspection process and the risks attached to each provider. Where a provider receives a rating of Requires Improvement they will receive increased support and oversight from the Commissioning and Market Management Service.

It was reported that Oldham's Care Homes face fragility due to national cost pressures, Covid-related challenges, and workforce issues. The Strategic Provider Risk Group facilitates information sharing and risk management. Home Care sees market consolidation, posing a risk of provider failure. A tender will address gaps in specialist Home Care. Specialist care and accommodation options, especially for transitioning young people, are needed. Direct Payments face oversight risks, addressed through preferred provider frameworks. Personal Assistants' market oversight, rates, and choice are under consideration, linked to the Foundation Living Wage.

Priorities for the service include supporting workforce growth, addressing shortages in nursing care and specialist services, and enhancing access to urgent and crises care. The rise in autism diagnoses underscores the need for related support services and accommodation. Efforts are underway to provide flexible, purpose-built accommodations quickly, including temporary and emergency placements. Improving transitions for young people entering Adult Services, ensuring oversight of direct payments, and sustaining care providers financially to meet increasing costs are key focuses for the council.



That the report and presentation be noted.


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