Agenda item

Council Performance Report June 2020


The Select Committee gave consideration to a report which presented a review of the Council performance as at June 2020.


The presentation of performance commenced with the provision of an ‘Oldham Profile in Numbers’ comprising basic data in respect of population, housing, education, crime, income and benefits, household information, health, and community in the Borough.  Performance against each of the three corporate objectives of an Inclusive Economy, Thriving Communities and Co-operative Services was then reported.  It was noted that 21 measures had achieved their target, 5 were within tolerance and 6 were currently outside tolerance.  A review of achieve-ability against corporate performance measures was undertaken in May to identify the impact of Covid-19 on reporting.  This resulted in 23 Corporate Performance measures being temporarily suspended, 5 measures no longer reported corporately and replaced with 8 new measures.  The measures which had been suspended owing to the impact of Covid-19 were highlighted at Appendix VI.


The performance measures and the associated risks were considered in more detail at Appendices I, II, III and IV of the report as submitted. 


Members were advised that this was the performance for the first quarter, 1 April to 30 June – and some data had changed in the interim period.  Those measures which had been suspended as outlined at Appendix VI had been agreed with the relevant portfolio holders.  Members were provided updated information related to unemployment figures.  Members were also informed of measures and business plans being reviewed as a result of Covid-19.  Members noted the time lost to sickness was lower than the same time last year.  Targets which had not been met by 5% were highlighted which included M501 waste collections; M640 – Percent of 16 – 17 year olds not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET); M619b Care Leavers in Not in Education, Employment or Training; M941 – child entering care and moving in with adoptive family; M980 – Highways Classified Network Condition and S370 – Time taken to process Council Tax Reduction which had been impacted by Covid-19.  Members noted the improvement in performance M715 Annual EHCP (SEND) Statutory Reviews as a result of improved communications and adaptation to new ways of working.


Members expressed concern related to the list at Appendix VI which had been suspended and highlighted the Council Tax and Business collection rates and expressed disappointment that these were not being monitored.  Members were assured that the position was being monitored by the Cabinet member and relevant officers who received weekly updates.  Payment holidays had been offered earlier in the year whilst in lockdown.  Payments would begin from July and August. Payments had also been rescheduled and reprofiled and this would impact on the performance of collection. 


Members raised the issue on reasons for employees leaving.  This would be discussed at a later agenda item.


Members asked about the attainment in Key Stage 2 attainment in reading and writing and breakfast clubs.  Members were informed that Key Stage 2 was being monitored but data was not obtainable as the information for the academic year had not been published.  Internal monitoring had continued.  Information related to breakfast clubs would have to be reported following the meeting when information was available.


Members asked about the processing of council tax and enforcement.  Members were informed that there had been an increase in the number of people claiming reduction which had created a backlog and additional staff brought in.  With regard to enforcement, revised arrangements had been in place during the pandemic which should have minimised the impact on any one whose claim had been delayed.  Letters and other notifications were now being sent and the Magistrates Courts process in line with national instructions.  



1.         The Corporate Performance Report June 2020 be noted.

2.         The information and updates provided at the meeting be noted.


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