Agenda item

Thriving Communities Programme Update


The Board gave consideration to a report which provided an update on progress of the Thriving Communities programme. 


The Board were informed that the Oldham model, the Council and its partners, were committed to a co-operative future for Oldham where ‘everyone does their bit and everybody benefits’.  The Partnership’s Oldham Plan 2017 – 2022 set out the Oldham Model for delivering tangible and sustained change.  To deliver the common objectives of the Thriving Communities element and deliver the common objectives of the health and social care integration, funding was agreed from the Greater Manchester Transformation Fund.  There was a three-year programme which focused on building upon strengths and support groups in the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector; supported people earlier in the care pathway and drove the shift to earlier intervention and prevention by helping Oldham residents make better life choices and not progress into higher levels of need.


Key projects and updates were highlighted which included:


·         More than medical support (social prescribing) which helps with residents make better life choices;

·         The Social Prescribing Network in Oldham West which was bridging the gap between medical care and the community;

·         Fast Grants which was delivering £60k each year into grassroots community groups;

·         Social Action Fund would be used over 3 years to commission five projects to tackle loneliness;

·         Working closer health improvement and public health;

·         Communications, media and profile for Oldham;

·         Workforce Development; and

·         A stronger focus on evidence and evaluation with the Thriving Communities index.


Members were informed about the support provided earlier in the care pathway to prevent high levels of need and were informed that 150 people had been supported in Oldham West via links with community groups who delivered multiple interventions.  This had resulted in a positive trend with a reduction in attendance at the accident and emergency unit.  A contract had been awarded to Action Together which was mobilised across the whole of the borough.


Members were informed of the Fast Grants which were a way of getting support into a community.  Another tranche would be awarded at the end of the month.  Groups assisted included Oldham Play Action Group, Groundwork Consortium, Street Angels which would be additional asset to tackle homelessness and Workforce Development to enhance the Health and Care workforce. 


Engagement had taken place with members and further sessions were planned.


Members commented on the good work and the results in the reduction in GP visits and asked of there were plans to get better data.  Members were informed that data was being used from a small cohort.  Work was ongoing with Oldham Cares for data collection to assess what happens in life afterwards.  Information governance was a challenge.


Members sought and received clarification on reduction in demand in GPs and savings made. Members were informed that the health and care economy should feel relief in costs, but the costs could not be quantified at this time.


Members referred to the reference to improve connections and informed of an asset management map to access groups.   Another possibility was through the fast grants aspect part of evaluation which reported back how the grant had worked.  Applicants would complete an evaluation sheet with questions related to how to widen the influence, work with other groups and the results. 



1.            The update on the Thriving Communities Programme be noted.

2.            The request for support and engagement with the social prescribing roll-out across Oldham be agreed.

3.            The request that elected members make community groups aware of the next tranche of Fast Grants be supported.

4.            A further update be brought back to the Overview and Scrutiny Board in 12 months time.


Supporting documents: