Agenda item

Business and Investment Review Update


The Board gave consideration to a report which provided an update on the progress of the Business and Investment Review.  The review looked at how the Council optimised business engagement and provided a competitive business support offer which maximised business growth and investment in the Borough.  Approval had been given to strengthen the function of the Strategic Investment Team through the recruitment of an Investment Officer and additional resources for the improvement of business engagement and strengthening the business support offer.


Improved business engagement was outlined to the Board which required the development of a shared approach to business intelligence, engagement and marketing across a range of partners working with businesses in Oldham.  The partners were represented on the Oldham Economy and Skills Partnership and included Oldham College, the Business Growth Hub, GM Chamber, Oldham Enterprise Trust and private sector businesses. 


Oldham had a strong business offer but in order to remain competitive there were areas that needed to be strengthened to support business start-up, growth and investment.  Progress was outlined to members which included an agreed capital scheme, ongoing work with the business rates team and an updated construction network.  Members were also provided with an action plan and it was explained that there was still work to do but everything was on track.  The key performance indicators were also outlined and the service was on track to achieve above targets.


Members queried support to new business and were informed that a range of support was provided through the Oldham Enterprise Trust.  Business were encouraged to move to Oldham, the services worked with MIDAS on inward investment and businesses who wanted to grow were also supported.


Members asked if the service was optimistic about reaching their targets.  This was confirmed, capacity would be increased by working with partners and also with elected members.  Investment and growth were in the engineering and manufacturing areas.  Members asked if due diligence was conducted on the companies seeking support.  This was confirmed to ensure sustainability. 


Members queried what support was provided to small businesses.  Members were informed that ongoing support was provided and was not restricted to twelve months.  Members queried gender balance and encouragement of women.  Members were informed that Oldham did not have a targeted approach, it was open for all.  Some external funding could be geographically restricted, however, the Council addressed this through its own funding. 


Members queried how the service was promoted in order to access the services and were informed the next challenge was about engagement.  Existing networks and partners were currently relied upon for support.  It was intended to work with a consultant on the development on promotion of the services through a dedicated website which would incorporate business first and social media.


Members queried about being involved in account management and development of a more positive relationship.  Members were informed that businesses should be sign posted to regeneration as to what support was available.  Members asked that ward councillor information be included in the pack to engage with businesses and liaise on a district basis.  Members asked that brownfield sites be carefully considered for future employment sites in the borough.    Members also suggested information and ideas at ward level.


It was recommended that a further workshop be scheduled with members when the full team in Regeneration had been recruited to develop how councillors work with the Regeneration team and work with local businesses.  It was suggested that this take place in September.




1.         The achievements as outlined in the Business and Investment Review Update be noted.

2.         A workshop be held in September 2018 for the development of ward councillor involvement working with local businesses and the regeneration team.

3.         A further update be brought back to the Overview and Scrutiny Board in June 2018.

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