Agenda item

Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Chair moved that due to the high number of public questions, the formal business would be dealt with and public question time would be moved from Item 6 to Item 9 on the agenda. The Committee seconded this.


RESOLVED – That Public Question Time be dealt with later on the agenda at Item 9.


There were a number of public questions received. The questions were taken in the order submitted.


1.            Kathryn Berry asked a question in relation to bin bags not being collected at the rubbish on Ash Street.


            Councillor Garry responded by advising Ms. Berry that Members undertook regular work with residents in relation to rubbish and flytipping on the back alleys of Hardman Lane and Dalton street etc. There was a policy in relation to leaving bin bags and residents received letters in relation to special collections for example Christmas and Easter holidays and if rubbish was left in black bin bags it would be collected. Ms. Berry advised Councillor Garry that bin bags had been left for days. Councillor Garry agreed to meet with Ms. Berry to organise a clean-up around the Ash Street area.  

            Further members of the meeting mentioned their issues with bins and this was acknowledged by the committee with people expressing concerns about bin collection and it was agreed that the District Case worker would look into this with residents. Councillor Fielding agreed communications needed to be improved in relation to bin collections and it was also agreed that when there were occasions of snow and public holidays communications should be for the residents of Failsworth and this would be picked up by members.


2.            Anthony Cahill asked a question in relation to traffic issues at Medlock Road.


Councillor Briggs advised the meeting that reassurance had already been given and both Councillors Briggs and Jacques had met with residents. A feasibility study had been undertaken two months ago. Cllr Jacques advised that he was liaising with the committee of Woodhouses residents in relation to the traffic increase and the chair of the Committee was very satisfied. A further meeting would be taking place with the residents and the outcome of that would be reported back to the District Executive.


3.            Andy Gould asked a question in relation to the District Executive Chair’s allowance.


Councillor Garry advised that the allowance paid to Chair the District Executive was set by independent panel and also had a job description. All councillors received an allowance and some get further allowances for extra responsibilities. Councillor Garry agreed to provide a copy of the Job Description.


4.            Joanne Potts asked a question in relation to using money for road signs instead of using the money to repair the roads in the cemetery.


Councillor Jacques advised the meeting that it was brought to his attention weeks ago and was now case work. The District Office was doing its upmost to get the cemetery road resurfaced.  Councillor Jacques advised the meeting that he would become an advocate for cemetery and would do his very best in terms of road/neglect and asked residents to email him with pictures. Cllr Briggs advised the meeting that the 7.5 tonnes signs were placed in Failsworth when work was being carried out on Oldham Road, in order to make exclusion zones and it was a legal requirement to erecting the signs. 


5.            Adam Battersby asked a question in relation to classes at the old, now demolished, community centre and if a new community centre was being looked into.


Councillor Fielding advised the meeting that the old community centre had closed more than 6 years ago and the current classes run from the Town Hall were devised by Oldham Long Learning including computer skills, numeracy, English, maths and Spanish and if there were any classes that residents wished to attend he would with raise the issues with Lifelong Learning.


6.            Kathleen Wilkinson asked a question in relation to holding a public meeting between Failsworth residents, Failsworth and Hollinwood Councillors and a police representative to discuss anti-social behaviour, lack of police presence, increase in crime and other pressing matters.


Sergeant Archer addressed the meeting advising residents that PACT meetings had been organised but nobody ever attended even though venues were changed, times, etc. Also surgeries had been arranged at 7pm at night at local supermarkets, with details posted on the GMP Failsworth site. A member of the meeting asked if Angela Rayner MP could be invited to attend a community meeting and it was agreed that the question would be asked for Angela Rayner to attend.


7.            Failsworth First Committee Members and Group submitted a question in relation to Anti-social behaviour on the streets.


The police advised the meeting that in the last 4 years in Failsworth the number of police staff available had reduced and if a major incident occurs elsewhere in the Borough, officers attend from all neighbourhood areas. Extra funding had been agreed for a neighbourhood officer for a short period of time.

Councillor Briggs advised that he had asked to maximise what PCSOs can do within the law and increase their powers to assist Police Officers and would collectively write to the Chief Constable about this on the residents and the District’s behalf.

Councillor Jacques advised the meeting that his life was blighted as much the residents in relation to Anti-Social behaviour in Failsworth  and regarding policing he raised the issue at the Full Council twice, due to resources and rigid shift patterns and the need for more police on the streets. Councillor Jacques advised the meeting he had also written to Transport for Greater Manchester to ask for improvements at the tram stops including lighting and had personally attended a shift with police officers where he experienced the behaviour of some young people who seemed to be out of control. He believed that parents needed to take more responsibility. Parents needed to be challenged and if all agencies worked together something could be achieved.


8.            Mrs. Sharon O’Brien asked a question ion relation to CCTV on Oldham Road.


Engineers have recently been commissioned to replace the existing Network transmitters to enable the remote viewing of the existing CCTV and this upgrade was 75% complete.

The delay has been due to issues around access to the civic centre roof and the contractor is awaiting permission for access to the civic centre roof to install the final piece of equipment.  

This has been caused by important ongoing asbestos removal works which are due to be completed on the roof in the next couple of weeks. Once this has been done the CCTV engineers will return to complete the works and commission the cameras.


9.            A question was submitted from Chris Barker about a Councillors’ request for grant funding of up to £2 million to redevelop Higher Memorial Park.


Councillor Briggs advised the meeting that the grant was not council monies, it was a request for lottery funding and that the council parks departments had recognised issues around Failsworth parks not being secure.  This involved a public consultation to bid for £2million pounds to enhance Failsworth parks, secure fencing, rebuild walls and have amenity for Failsworth residents.

10.         A question was submitted in relation to children receiving educational visits in relation to crime and also undertaking voluntary work.


The Police advised the meeting that GMP works in partnership with schools to undertake awareness training in relation to crime and provide information for children from primary school to secondary school.