Agenda item

Outstanding Business from the previous meeting

(time limit 15 minutes).


Councillor Moores to MOVE and Councillor Price to SECOND:

In Oldham, more than a third of adults are physically inactive (36.28%) and Oldham was ranked 141st out of 150 local authorities researched in terms of rates of physical activity in 2013. UKActives Turning The Tide of Inactivity report estimates that this lack of regular exercise by the Oldham population is estimated to cost the Oldham economy £53.5million a year.

Physical inactivity is known to be the fourth leading cause of global mortality, and many of the leading causes of ill health in today’s society, such as coronary heart disease, cancer and type 2 Diabetes, could be prevented if more inactive people were to become active.

The Greater Manchester Moving Strategy was published in June 2015 and provides the blueprint for physical activity and sport’s contribution to the overall Greater Manchester Strategy. The intended outcomes of the strategy are to:

-        Increase levels of participation in physical activity and sport to reduce levels of inactivity

-        Increase active travel leading to increased opportunities for walking, cycling and running

-        Increase economic output of the sport and physical activity sector

Being physically active should be something we build into our everyday lifestyle from going out for a walk through to playing sport.  

Council is therefore asked to;

-        Give its support to the Greater Manchester Moving Strategy

-        Instruct the relevant officers to develop an action plan to detail how the pledges will be developed and implemented in Oldham




Motion 1


The Mayor informed the meeting that the Chief Executive had had notice that Councillor Price would be unable to second this motion and had nominated Councillor Goodwin to take her place.


Councillor Moores MOVED and Councillor Goodwin SECONDED the following motion:


“In Oldham, more than a third of adults are physically inactive (36.28%) and Oldham was ranked 141st out of 150 local authorities researched in terms of rates of physical activity in 2013.  UKActives Turning the Tide of Inactivity report estimates that this lack of regular exercise by the Oldham population is estimated to cost the Oldham economy £53.5 million a year.

Physical inactivity is known to be the fourth leading cause of mortality, and many of the leading causes of ill health in today’s society, such as coronary heart disease, cancer and type 2 Diabetes, could be prevented if more inactive people were to become active.

The Greater Manchester Moving Strategy was published in June 2015 and provides the blueprint for physical activity and sport’s contribution to the overall Greater Manchester Strategy.  The intended outcomes of the strategy are to:

-        Increase levels of participation in physical activity and sport to reduce levels inactivity

-        Increase active travel leading to increased opportunities for walking, cycling and running

-        Increase economic output of the sport and physical activity sector

Being physically active should be something we build into our everyday lifestyle from going out for a walk through to playing sport.

Council is therefore asked to:

-        Give its support to the Greater Manchester Moving Strategy

-        Instruct the relevant officers to develop an action plan to detail how the pledges will be developed and implemented in Oldham”




Councillor Murphy MOVED and Councillor Williamson SECONDED the following amendment:


“Add a new paragraph six:

‘Council also notes that the last Oldham Cycle Strategy, developed in consultation with cycling groups to promote cycling in the borough, was published in 2010 and is therefore overdue for renewal.’

Insert in the final paragraph, a new second bullet point:

‘ – Recognise the importance of developing a local response based on a commitment, as a co-operative council, to securing public buy-in through consultation’

And amend the original final bullet point by inserting after ‘relevant officers’ ‘,in consultation with local sports, cycling, running and walking groups,’”


Amended motion to read:


“In Oldham, more than a third of adults are physically inactive (36.28%) and Oldham was ranked 141st out of 150 local authorities researched in terms of rates of physical activity in 2013.  UKActives Turning the Tide of Inactivity report estimates that this lack of regular exercise by the Oldham population is estimated to cost the Oldham economy £53.5m a year.

Physical inactivity is known to be the fourth leading cause of global mortality, and many of the leading causes of ill health in today’s society, such as coronary heart disease, cancer and type 2 Diabetes, could be prevented if more inactive people were to become active.

The Greater Manchester Moving Strategy was published in June 2015 and provides the blueprint for physical activity and sport’s contribution to the overall Greater Manchester Strategy.  The intended outcomes of the strategy are to:

-        Increase levels of participation in physical activity and sport to reduce levels of inactivity

-        Increase active travel leading to increased opportunities for walking, cycling and running

-        Increase economic output of the sport and physical activity sector

Being physically active should be something we build into our everyday lifestyle from going out for a walk through to playing sport.

Council also notes that the last Oldham Cycling Strategy, developed in consultation with cycling groups to promote cycling in the borough was published in 2010 and is therefore overdue for renewal.

Council is therefore asked to:

-        Give its support to the Greater Manchester Moving Strategy

-        Recognise the importance of developing a local response based on a commitment, as a co-operative council, to securing public buy-in through consultation

-        Instruct the relevant officers to develop an action plan, in consultation with local sports, cycling, running and walking groups, to detail how pledges will be developed and implemented in Oldham.”


Councillor Moores exercised his right of reply.

Councillor Murphy exercised his right of reply.


A vote was then taken on the AMENDMENT.


On being put the vote, 9 votes were case in FAVOUR of the AMENDMENT with 46 cast AGAINST and 0 ABSTENTIONS.  The AMENDMENT was therefore LOST.


Councillor Harrison spoke in support of the Original Motion.


Councillor Moores exercised his right of reply.


A vote was taken on the MOTION.


On being put the vote, the MOTION was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.




1.       The Greater Manchester Moving Strategy be supported.

2.       Relevant officers be instructed to develop an action plan to detail how the pledges would be developed and implemented in Oldham.