Agenda item

To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting


In accordance with the Code of Conduct, elected members declared the following interests:


Councillors Dean, Jabbar, McCann, Sykes  declared a personal interest in Item 15, Minutes of the Unity Partnership Board by virtue of their appointment to the Board; Councillors Dearden, Fielding, Roberts and Wrigglesworth declared a personal interest in Item 9, Budget Proposals, by virtue of their appointment to the Positive Steps Board;  Councillors G. Alexander, Chauhan, Harrison and McCann declared a personal interest in Items 9 and 15, Minutes of the Oldham Care and Support, by virtue of the appointment to the OCS Board. Councillors Dean, Jabbar and McCann declared a personal interest at Item 9 by virtue of their membership of the Joint Venture Unity Board. Councillor Gloster declared a disclosable pecuniary interest at Item 15, minutes of the Police and Crime Panel by virtue of his employment with Greater Manchester Police.  Councillors Mushtaq, Ball, Briggs, Hibbert, Chauhan, Ames, Judge, Cosgrove, A. Alexander, Qumer, Shah, G. Alexander, Rehman, and Moores declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of their membership in Unite the Union.  Councillors Toor, Wrigglesworth, Salamat, Ali, Chadderton, Fielding and Jabbar declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of their membership in UNISON.  Councillor Iqbal declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of his membership of the CWU Union.  Councillor Williams declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of his membership in the USDAW Union.  Councillors Stretton, S. Bashforth, M. Bashforth, Roberts, Shuttleworth, Dean, Ahmad, Akhtar, Larkin and Shah declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of their membership in the GMB Union.  Councillors Dearden, Harrison, and McLaren declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of their membership in the NUT.  Councillor Roberts declared a personal interest at Item 9 by virtue of her consultancy for the Family and Childcare Trust.  Councillor Garry declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of her membership in ANGU Trade Union.  Councillor McLaren declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of his membership in the League Managers Association (Retired).  Councillor Harkness declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of his membership in VOICE the union.  Councillor Klonowski declared a personal interest at Item 8 by virtue of his membership in Prospects the Union.


Councillor McMahon declared a pecuniary interest at Item 8 by virtue of his election sponsorship as a UNITE/GMB member.  He left the Chamber during this item and took no part in the voting thereon.


Councillor Qumer declared a pecuniary interest at Item 8 by virtue of his election sponsorship from trade unions.  He left the Chamber during this item and took no part in the voting thereon.


Councillor Larkin declared a pecuniary interest at Item 8 by virtue of his employment with USDAW.  He left the Chamber during this item and took no part in the voting thereon.


Councillor M. Bashforth declared a pecuniary interest at Item 9 by virtue of her employment in a secondary school.  She left the Chamber during this item and took no part in the voting thereon.