Agenda item

To note the Minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on the undermentioned dates, including the attached list of urgent key decisions taken since the last meeting of the Council, and to receive any questions or observations on any items within the Minutes from Members of the Council who are not Members of the Cabinet, and receive responses from Cabinet Members

(time limit 20 minutes):-


a) 30th March 2015

b) 27th April 2015



The Cabinet Minutes for the meetings held on 30th March 2015 and 27th April 2015 were submitted. 


Questions and observations were raised by the following Councillors on the Cabinet Minutes as detailed below:


Councillor Blyth – Cabinet meeting – 30th March, Item 10, page 19, Local Welfare Provision Scheme 2015/16, in relation to the projected underspend, was the council advertising adequately and correctly in regard to access to funding? The Council had put money into “Our House”


Councillor McMahon advised that “Our House” was not part of the welfare provision considered in this Item, however it provided a facility for people to purchase white goods they would not have the cash to buy outright. Our house covered the cost, it was not for profit and everyone benefitted. It was an example of what co-operation and the community could achieve and was a much better alternative for Oldham.


Councillor McCann  – Cabinet meeting – 30th March, Item 10, page 19, Local Welfare Provision Scheme 2015/16, the underspend was a substantial amount of money that could be used to make a difference. Could it be used to, for example, provide a basic funeral service, be put towards relief from food poverty, expand the fuel poverty scheme or have a welfare team to expand this provision?


Councillor Jabbar responded that this fund was limited and time-limited. The underspend would be ring-fenced to welfare activities, however once this money was spent, there would be no more. It was difficult to see how the Council could offer, for example, a funeral service when the fund was very limited and would soon be gone.


Members made the following observations:


1.    Councillor Murphy  – Cabinet meeting – 30th March, Item 14, page 23, Contract with Age UK Oldham 2015-2017 – Older people were not well served, though some parts of the Borough were better than others. A community shop was proposed, where excess food could be sold at lower prices. There was also a need to explore other options, and have a strategic vision and Borough plan. A Food Commission was needed.  


2.    Councillor Harkness – Cabinet meeting – 30th March, Item 8, page 17 Saddleworth School: Site Selection – welcomed the decision to ensure a new school was built. There was much to be done, but the Council cannot do nothing.


3.    Councillor McCann  – Cabinet meeting – 30th March, Item 10, page 19, Local Welfare Provision Scheme 2015/16 – there was no criticism of the underspend and he understood there could be no overspend. He welcomed the commitment to spend on welfare.


4.    Councillor Jabbar responded – there will be a need to support residents affected by welfare cuts and the fund will be ring-fenced to welfare provision.


5.    Councillor McMahon responded – the Overview and Scrutiny Board have set up a working group to look at the value for money of a community shop and a Food Commission







1.             the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 26th January 2015 and 23rd February 2015 be noted.

2.            The questions and observations on the Cabinet Minutes be noted.


Supporting documents: