Agenda item

Notice of Opposition Business

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1

Councillor Heffernan to MOVE and Councillor Sedgwick to SECOND:

This Council notes that in the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale local residents have since 2010 been encouraged to sign up for the “Love Rochdale Card”, a loyalty card scheme managed by the Rochdale Town Centre Management Company.

The scheme rewards residents for shopping locally at over 200 shops and businesses in the town centre.

This Council recognises the merits of establishing a similar scheme for Oldham and its district centres as this helps support local businesses, local jobs and the local economy, as well as being better for the environment and promoting variety and choice on the high street.

This Council resolves to ask the Overview and Scrutiny Board to examine (in conjunction with the District Executives) the practicalities and timescale of introducing a shop local loyalty card scheme in Oldham and its district centres to encourage our residents to shop locally and so support our local economy.


Motion 2


Councillor Murphy to MOVE and Councillor McCann to SECOND:

This Council notes that:

-           Section 106 planning contributions have historically been spent locally to benefit residents in the immediate area of a development. This has led to enhancements to the physical environment such as play spaces and community gardens that have been enjoyed by local people.

-           The Community Infrastructure Levy, being introduced by Government to replace the Section 106 planning contributions, is prescriptive with Council being permitted by law to only spend 15% of the CIL planning gain in the immediate area and 85% being returned to the centre.

-           This means that, unlike Section 106, there may be little direct benefit to the local community.

Council believes that:

-           The prescription by central government of the 15:85 split is contrary to the spirit of localism and runs contrary to the Government’s intention that the arrangements for the levy should be ‘fairer and more transparent’.

-           As well as deciding the actual amount of the levy, local authorities should be able to decide for themselves what percentage of the CIL planning gain is spent in the immediate area and how much is returned to the centre.


Council resolves to:

-           Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government stating the Council’s position that local authorities should be able to determine the split of the levy between the local community and the centre.

-           Ask the Cabinet Member for Planning to request officers investigate the merits of whether the Council should apply to the Government for the right to make its own determination of the split under the provisions of the Sustainable Communities Act 2007, and to bring a report back to Council on this issue.



Motion 1


Councillor Heffernan MOVED and Councillor Sedgwick SECONDED


“This Council notes that in the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale local residents have since 2010 been encouraged to sign up for the “Love Rochdale Card”, a loyalty card scheme managed by the Rochdale Town Centre Management Company.


The scheme rewards residents for shopping locally at over 200 shops and businesses in the town centre.


This Council recognises the merits of establishing a similar scheme for Oldham and its district centres as this helps support local businesses, local jobs and the local economy, as well as being better for the environment and promoting variety and choice on the high street.


This Council resolves to ask the Overview and Scrutiny Board to examine (in conjunction with the District Executives) the practicalities and timescale of introducing a shop local loyalty card scheme in Oldham and its district centres to encourage our residents to shop locally and so support our local economy.”


Councillor Murphy spoke in support of the motion

Councillor McLaren as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board accepted the motion.


A vote was then taken on the MOTION.


Councillor Heffernan did not exercise his right of reply.


On being put to the VOTE, FIFTY FIVE VOTES were cast IN FAVOUR of the MOTION with NONE cast AGAINST and TWO ABSTENTIONS.  The MOTION was therefore CARRIED.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Board examine (in conjunction with the District Executives) the practicalities and timescale in introducing a shop local loyalty card scheme in Oldham and its district centres to encourage our residents to shop locally and so support our local economy.


Motion 2


Councillor Murphy MOVED and Councillor McCann SECONDED


“This Council notes that:

-           Section 106 planning contributions have historically been spent locally to benefit residents in the immediate area of a development. This has led to enhancements to the physical environment such as play spaces and community gardens that have been enjoyed by local people.

-               The Community Infrastructure Levy, being introduced by Government to replace the Section 106 planning contributions, is prescriptive with Council being permitted by law to only spend 15% of the CIL planning gain in the immediate area and 85% being returned to the centre.

-               This means that, unlike Section 106, there may be little direct benefit to the local community.

Council believes that:

-               The prescription by central government of the 15:85 split is contrary to the spirit of localism and runs contrary to the Government’s intention that the arrangements for the levy should be ‘fairer and more transparent’.

-               As well as deciding the actual amount of the levy, local authorities should be able to decide for themselves what percentage of the CIL planning gain is spent in the immediate area and how much is returned to the centre.

Council resolves to:

-                Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government stating the Council’s position that local authorities should be able to determine the split of the levy between the local community and the centre.

-                Ask the Cabinet Member for Planning to request officers investigate the merits of whether the Council should apply to the Government for the right to make its own determination of the split under the provisions of the Sustainable Communities Act 2007, and to bring a report back to Council on this issue.”


Councillor Hibbert spoke against the motion.


A vote was then taken on the MOTION.


Councillor Murphy exercised his right of reply.


On being put to the VOTE, ELEVEN VOTES were cast IN FAVOUR of the MOTION with FORTY SIX VOTES cast AGAINST and NO ABSTENTIONS.  The MOTION was therefore LOST.