Agenda item

To note the Minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on the undermentioned dates, including the attached list of urgent key decisions taken since the last meeting of the Council, and to receive any questions or observations on any items within the Minutes from Members of the Council who are not Members of the Cabinet, and receive responses from Cabinet Members

(time limit 20 minutes):-


a) 26th January 2015

b) 23rd February 2015





The Cabinet Minutes for the meetings held on 26th January 2015 and 23rd February 2015 were submitted.  The Mayor reminded the meeting that, as previously agreed by Council, the last eight minutes of this section would be reserved for observations on responses received and responses to observations.


Questions and observations were raised by the following Councillors on the Cabinet Minutes as detailed below:


Councillor McCann – Cabinet meeting - 23 February 2015, Item 7(d), page 58, Welfare Reform, where it was resolved that “maximising the use of Discretionary Housing Payment to ensure the full amount of government grant was allocated”.  Could the Cabinet Member confirm all funds allocated by the Government have now been disbursed and that no further administration costs over the £73,000 already spent have been incurred.  Should there be any money left, advise how much is left and confirm this will be spent?”


Councillor Jabbar advised that Discretionary Housing Payments were additional payments which could be made to recipients who did not receive full Housing Benefit and cannot afford to make up the shortfall in their rent.  In 2014/15 Oldham Council received funding from the DWP of £500,082 and keen to ensure that the full amount of the funding was spent to support residents in Oldham especially those affected by welfare form.  He announced that for the year 2014/15 £506,908.51 Discretionary Housing Payments had been allocated to residents of Oldham.  This was slightly above the amount awarded by the DWP with the additional amount being met by the Council.  There were concerns about the level of support that could be provided for 2015/2016 as the DWP had nationally reduced the amount of money available for Discretionary Housing Payments.  In Oldham funding had been reduced by 24.5% to £377,386.  In relation to the cost of the administration for Discretionary Housing Payments, it was confirmed that there were no additional costs paid as it as within the overall costs of running the Benefits Services.


Members made the following observations:


1.             Councillor Houle – Cabinet Meeting, 23rd February 2015 – page 58, Item 7 – Impact of Welfare Reform and expressed concerns on the number of residents impacted by sanctions which were the highest in Greater Manchester, the number of people who visited foodbanks, proposed further cuts in welfare and the probability of increased number of sanctions.


2.    Councillor Harkness, Cabinet Meeting, 23rd February 2015 – page 62 – Item 13 - Proposed Disposal of Land at Ward Lane Diggle, Oldham (Asset 987) – Councillors had met with residents and assets team, councillors had supported the scheme for land to be sold for housing but had wanted social housing, eco scheme and self-build scheme which would benefit first time buyers and expressed disappointment that the Cabinet had agreed more executive housing.


3.         Councillor Heffernan – Cabinet meeting – 23rd February 2015, page 57 and 65, Agenda Items 6 and 21 – Oldham Coliseum Theatre and Heritage Centre – Project Implementation – expressing delight that a report had been presented for the replacement of the Coliseum and gave his support to the scheme going forward.




1.             the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 26th January 2015 and 23rd February 2015 be noted.

2.            The questions and observations on the Cabinet Minutes be noted.


Supporting documents: