Agenda and minutes

Shaw and Crompton District Executive - Tuesday, 13th March, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre - High Street, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8TB

Contact: Sian Walter-Browne  Email:

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence received.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


Councillor Gloster declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9.


Councillor Sykes declared a personal interest in Item 9.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The following question was received from Parish Councillor Louie Hamblett and replied to:-



“Life Long Learning Grounds


Would the Executive agree with me that after Parks departments cut back the hedges around the lifelong learning centre the ground now looks more like a featureless barren wasteland and an eyesore begging to have some much needed TLC. So perhaps in the new fiscal year some new bedding and plant life be introduced and grass be extended promoting a more openness with a welcome space that is inviting for those visiting the centre and our town”. 



The question would be amended to clarify that the land referred to was the area at the front of the Lifelong Learning Centre. The District Co-ordinator will contact the relevant Council officer and bring a response to the next meeting of the District Executive. If there were sufficient local volunteers, Get Oldham Growing could work with them and details would be passed to Get Oldham Growing. 


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 76 KB

The Minutes of the meeting of the Shaw and Crompton District Executive held on 23rd January 2018 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2018 be approved as a correct record.




This is a standing item regarding Petitions received, relating to the Shaw and Crompton area, for consideration by the District Executive in accordance with the Council’s Petition Protocol. No petitions have been received.


NOTED that no new petitions had been received.



Shaw and Crompton Community Forum Minutes 23.01.2018 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

For the District Executive to note the minutes of the Shaw and Crompton Community Forum held on 23rd January 2018


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting the Shaw and Crompton Community Forum held on 23rd January 2018 be approved as a correct record.



Potential Development of New Shaw and Crompton Health Centre

Councillor item


The District Executive was updated on the project to provide a new health centre. Funding had been secured for a feasibility study in relation to the site to ensure the project was ready to go when funding for the building was made available. The NHS had indicated that the project must be led by the local practices and District Councillors had been seeking meetings with the practices to discuss, but this had not been possible so far.


It was noted that, as part of this development, there may also be the opportunity to expand the project to develop a new community hub that would offer a range of local community activities and services.



Proposed Expansion of Crompton House School

Councillor item.


Councillor Gloster declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this Item and left the meeting, taking no part in the discussion.


Councillor Sykes declared a personal interest in this Item.


The District Executive were informed that Crompton House School was planning an expansion and increase in its pupil numbers. This had given rise to a number of concerns among local residents, particularly in relation to the admission of local children and traffic management.


It was moved by Councillor Murphy and seconded by Councillor Turner:-

“The Shaw and Crompton District Executive resolves to write to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council to ask them to request that Crompton House School amend its intake criteria to include the acceptance of students from Shaw, Crompton and Royton in the first instance.


The District Executive are not opposed to the Crompton House School expansion if it means more local children will be accepted into the school and that the demand for school places in the area is met”


It was further moved by Councillor Murphy and seconded by Councillor Williamson:-

“The Shaw and Crompton District Executive also resolves to write to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council to request appropriate funds are set aside for possible resident-only parking schemes, parking restrictions and other traffic management schemes as a result of the expansion of Crompton House School.


As a District Executive, we believe that it is entirely possible that there will be a demand for this in the future and that such a demand should be factored into the proposal and planning approval. The District Executive wishes to make sure that local residents are not adversely affected by this expansion, more than is absolutely necessary”.



1.     The Shaw and Crompton District Executive resolved to write to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council to ask them to request that Crompton House School amend its intake criteria to include the acceptance of students from Shaw, Crompton and Royton in the first instance.

The District Executive were not opposed to the Crompton House School expansion if it meant more local children would be accepted into the school and that the demand for school places in the area was met


2.     The Shaw and Crompton District Executive also resolved to write to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council to request appropriate funds are set aside for possible resident-only parking schemes, parking restrictions and other traffic management schemes as a result of the expansion of Crompton House School.

            As a District Executive, it believed that it was entirely possible that there would be a demand for this in the future and that such a demand should be factored into the proposal and planning approval. The District Executive wished to make sure that local residents were not adversely affected by this expansion, more than was absolutely necessary.





Local Councillors Issues


The District Executive considered the following issues:-


a)    Osborne Street – consideration of the application for a disabled parking bay had been deferred and there was a meeting scheduled with residents for 14th March.


b)    Updates were provided on three projects to combat flooding and thanks were extended to the District Team for all their assistance

·           Grasmere estate – a major scheme was required and there was a meeting scheduled for 14th March to update residents.

·           Wendlebury Green – the flooding appeared to be caused by the installation of a footpath and work was ongoing to resolve who had built it and what could be done.

·           Shaw Road – 90% of the historic issues would be resolved as part of the building of the new school and work was ongoing on the remainder.


c)    The Avenue memorial benches – the damage had been repaired.


d)    Fraser Street – the Council has considered selling the small area of green space and Councillor Murphy had written to them to ask that the land be retained and used as a wildflower meadow. Discussions were ongoing.


e)    Road surface erosion – this had occurred across the district, but was not yet at a level deemed to require attention and was being left. The District Executive was working to resolve this with the Council.



Shaw and Crompton Budget Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To update Shaw and Crompton District Executive on the budget position.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the District Co-Ordinator, which provided Members with a summary of the budget, including the ward budget and the individual Councillor budgets.


The District Executive was requested to note the following Councillor budget allocations-:


Delivery of Crompton House School letters

Crompton Cllrs


Defib Fir Lane Methodists Church

Crompton Cllrs


Name plate at Sackville Street

Crompton Cllrs




The District Executive was requested to approve the following Ward budget allocations-:


Crompton PO knee rail and barriers



Crompton Ward Environmental Improvement




The District Executive gave consideration to a proposal to reallocate the £300.00 currently on hold at Item reference 1.9, to fund the purchase and hanging of St George’s Day flags.


Members asked for and received clarification on the cost of grit bins and refills, and how request for refills could be made.




1.         The District Executive noted the Councillor budget allocations outlined in this report.

2.         The District Executive approved the Ward budget allocations outlined in this report.

3.         The District Executive approved the reallocation of £300.00 to fund the purchase and hanging of St George’s Day flags.




Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Shaw and Crompton District Executive and the Community Forum will be held on Tuesday, 12th June 2018 at 6.00 p.m.


RESOLVED the next meeting of the Shaw and Crompton District Executive will be on Tuesday 12th June 2018 at 6.00pm.