Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 24th June, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Liz Drogan  0161 770 4705

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Jabbar.


Urgent Business pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to an item of urgent business in relation to Establishing a Local Improvement Fund for Districts. The reason for urgency was to avoid delay to any projects seeking funding.


At Annual Council on the 22nd May it had been agreed to abolish District Executives, including the attached Capital and Revenue funding. To continue investing in local projects, Council agreed that a Local Improvement Fund (LIF) should be established. The LIF was a £500k fund that all elected Members and District Teams could access through a bidding process. This would be a community-based approach to create long-term local impact.


The funding would support Districts to:

·       Encourage the active participation of residents and local organisations in improving the quality of life in the local area.

·       Improve community buildings, equipment and other facilities.

·       Engage with residents to prioritise schemes that matter to them.


The LIF would be overseen by a Cabinet Sub-Committee made up of:

·                 The Council Leader

·                 The Deputy Leader (Statutory)

·                 The Cabinet Member for Finance and Human Resources

·                 A nominated Shadow Cabinet Member would attend in a non-voting capacity.


Members of the Senior Management Team would advise as appropriate and would have no voting rights.


The Sub-Committee would consider applications for LIF funding and its terms of reference were set out for consideration.


An advisory panel would be established to review the LIF applications and make recommendations to the Sub-Committee on which projects should be funded. The advisory panel would be made up of:

·             Two Members from the administration

·             One Member from the main Opposition group


The advisory panel would assess potential projects using the process and scoring criteria outlined. The terms-of-reference for the LIF advisory panel were set out for consideration, along with the process and scoring criteria.


Cabinet noted that a toolkit would be available to advise Members on how to access funds and submit bids.


Options/Alternatives considered:

Option1 – Do nothing

Option 2 - Approve the establishment of a Cabinet sub-committee to oversee the LIF application process and approve successful grant applications. Agree the LIF application process and scoring criteria. Approve the establishment of an advisory panel to review the LIF applications and make recommendations to the Cabinet sub-committee on which projects should be funded.



1.     The establishment of a Cabinet Sub-Committee to oversee the LIF application process and consider grant applications be agreed.

2.     The LIF application process and scoring criteria be agreed.

  1. The establishment of an advisory panel to review the LIF applications and make recommendations to the Sub-Committee on which projects should be funded be agreed.









Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 135 KB

The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 15th April 2019 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 15th April 2019 be approved as a correct record.



New Safeguarding Arrangements for Children pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Interim Director of Children’s Services which set out the new governance arrangements for safeguarding children. Under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 the arrangements needed to be approved and published by 29 June 2019 and in place by 29 September 2019. The approval of the governance bodies of the three statutory partners would facilitate a three-month period for the preparation for implementation of the new safeguarding partnership arrangements.


Cabinet were informed that the current Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) would be disbanded. The new arrangements sought to ensure that all local relevant agencies continued to engage with the three statutory partners in effective safeguarding activities, whilst building stronger linkages with the Oldham Adult Safeguarding Board and allied partnerships and governance groups.


The new arrangements would consist of a new Safeguarding Children Strategic Partnership (to replace the current Board) to provide strategic vision, leadership, scrutiny and accountability. This would be supported by a Children’s Safeguarding Executive Group that would be responsible for the delivery of the Partnership’s strategic business plan (to replace the current executive group). Sub-groups of the Executive would undertake the detailed work on implementation of the safeguarding business plan with respect to services, service developments, performance monitoring and quality assurance. A stronger role for the voice and vision of the child was proposed in service planning and scrutiny.


New arrangements for challenge, scrutiny and commitment to continuous improvement amongst the statutory partners and relevant agencies were proposed, along with revised accountability forums.


Options/Alternatives considered:

Options and alternatives had been considered by the statutory partners in their deliberations. The option of not changing the current arrangements was not available. Careful consideration had been given to the emergent options being developed at both a GM and national level. The option of joining the children and adults safeguarding governance arrangements had been considered in depth.


RESOLVED - That the proposals for the new arrangements be approved to enable them to be published by 29 June 2019 and effectively implemented by 29 September 2019.


Request for an Extension to the Right Start Service Contract provided by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust pdf icon PDF 120 KB


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Reform requesting and extension to the current contract.


The Cabinet was informed that the early years period had a critical influence on future outcomes throughout life. The provision of high quality, effective services, which supported local residents at this critical time was therefore a priority. In recent years progress had been made in integrating public health and education services to provide a joined-up offer for families. As this model of children’s services provision in Oldham was further developed, there were opportunities to consider how community, health and care services could be more effectively joined up as part of a place-based model, to create a more seamless offer for children and families.


At its meeting on 15 December 2018 Cabinet agreed to extend the current contract for the delivery of Oldham’s integrated early years offer – Right Start Service, up to 31st March 2020. The agreement was for a one-year extension at the same contract value.


Bridgewater had since informed the Council that the one-year extension at the same price was not a viable option for them and a further decision was needed about the future of the contract.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

Option1 - Accept Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust rejection of the one year extension and move to new provider arrangements with immediate effect

Option 2 - Approve a two-year extension of the contract at increased contract value to account for increased service costs and demands.


RESOLVED that  the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 16 of the agenda.


Oldham Town Centre Vision pdf icon PDF 794 KB


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Economy seeking approval to recommendations relating to the new/refreshed vision and priority areas for the regeneration of Oldham Town Centre.


The Cabinet was informed that, by 2035, Greater Manchester aimed to be one of the world’s leading sub-regions, driving sustainable growth across a thriving north of England. The Council wanted to ensure the sustainability of our town centre as a place to work, visit and enjoy: in addition, to be a place where people can live and work, and were able to take maximum advantage of the services, shops, skills and training they needed to enjoy an excellent quality of life.


The report provided an update on the vision for Oldham town centre: a vision that was aligned with national, regional and local strategic priorities and had a clear rationale, narrative and focus for everyone (residents, businesses, officers, stakeholders, politicians, partners et al) to embrace and own, to help drive forward the necessary changes through dedicated accountability and a strategic leadership. 


The report highlighted the priority areas with an associated action plan, the processes through which the delivery methods would be assessed, and the potential decisions needed over the next twelve months in order to instigate the catalytic transformation of the town centre with the ambition for housing at its core.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

Option 1 – Agree the recommendations

Option 2 – Do not agree the recommendations



1.     The new vision and priority areas for Oldham Town Centre be agreed. 

2.     The new style of the revised masterplan which allowed options to be considered at each point in time, in alignment with local policy and opportunities which arose be noted. It was envisaged that a more-refined masterplan would be presented to Cabinet as projects and opportunities were developed, so that Members could continually review and retain control over determining the future land uses in the town centre, linked with key decisions for investment, opportunities for partnership work, and new developments in the town centre.

3.     The criteria against which future developments would be assessed to ensure they were aligned to the agreed vision, and the governance that would be aligned with the RIBA stage, be noted and agreed.

4.     The anticipated decisions required for 2019/20 in support of project development and implementation be noted.

5.     The procurement of additional consultants and specialist advisors to the extent they are required for the delivery of the projects within the revised masterplan be approved, and the negotiation and conclusion of any related appointments and associated documentation be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Economy and Enterprise in consultation with the Director of Economy, the Director of Finance and the Director of Legal Services

6.     The use of Compulsory Purchase Order powers and appropriation powers be approved in principle, subject to all regulatory constraints and further approvals.

7.     The use of Compulsory Purchase Order powers and appropriation powers on third party land be approved in principle, subject to all regulatory constraints and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Odeon Lease Agreement pdf icon PDF 87 KB


Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which sought approval for a (Deed of) Variation to the Lease agreement between the Council and Odeon Cinema, in Oldham Town Centre, following changes to the previously-agreed customer parking provision (in conjunction with the demolition of Hobson Street car park).


The Cabinet were informed that the Odeon and Oldham Council entered into a Lease Agreement on 21 March 2014, which documented the construction and letting of the Cinema. There was a condition agreed whereby the Council had to nominate a car park (Hobson Street) to provide parking for use by Cinema customers within the town centre environment.


Unfortunately, Hobson Street car park had been condemned and, for health and safety reasons, had to be demolished. This resulted in the Council needing to find alternative car parking provision. This was currently being provided with the Town Square car park, but a long-term solution was now required under the Lease Agreement.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

These were set out in the report in the restricted part of this agenda.


RESOLVED that – the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 17 of the agenda.




Adoption of the Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which informed them that the previous Housing Strategy (2015- 2018) was approved by Cabinet in April 2015. It was a three year document that reflected the key housing challenges and opportunities facing Oldham at that time.


Good practice dictated that housing strategies were reviewed every five years and no longer than every seven years. In addition, as a local authority, there was a statutory responsibility to periodically review the housing needs of the borough in relation to housing conditions and the needs of the local authority area. This statutory responsibility was usually articulated through the periodic publications of a housing strategy and housing stock condition surveys.


The cabinet noted that Oldham had a diverse housing market: stretching out from a town centre surrounded by an inner ring of high density and compact terraced housing neighbourhoods which were increasingly areas of regeneration priority, to outer suburbs, semi- rural parish standalone settlements and dispersed smaller rural settlements within green belt and countryside.


There had been significant changes in the local housing market and the service operating model since the last housing strategy was refreshed. Devolution had occurred, with agreement to meet our housing targets through a Greater Manchester spatial planning process. Alongside this major shift and together with new burdens in national planning methodologies and standards,  a completely new approach was needed as to how the statutory planning and housing responsibilities were met. This new housing strategy would complement the existing homelessness strategy, link to the 30 year housing revenue account business plan and set out the evidence base for the development of the new local plan.


The new housing strategy also responded to the travel of direction towards working in a new integrated health and social care service cluster model being driven by Oldham Cares. The housing strategy therefore picked up in one of its key themes the key function housing played in supporting health and social care integration and wider public service reform.


A key objective of the development of the new housing strategy had been to reset the housing delivery governance framework that could start to tackle the challenges identified in the evidence base. This would help meet the opportunities to achieve the housing priority themes acknowledged over the short, medium and long term. The accompanying delivery plan sought to begin to locate housing and place-shaping at the heart of Oldham’s collective vision for the Borough.


The Cabinet were informed that the new housing strategy would, if adopted:-


·                 Enable the Council to determine priorities in each district or local housing market area as defined by the LHNA evidence base;

·                 Inform bids for both public and private funding to support the development of new homes in Oldham.

·                 Support the Council and its partners to make more informed People and Place making decisions about the targeting and future integrated commissioning priorities under for example the Integrated Care Organisation (Oldham Cares) and underpin external funding bids to support investment in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Council Performance Report March 2019 pdf icon PDF 6 MB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Head of

Business Intelligence which provided a review of Council performance to March 2019.


The report provided the Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance against priorities outlined within the Corporate Plan, which had been monitored in the period January to March 2019.


The cabinet noted the upward trend and that the measures would be changing for the future.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

To note the Council performance January to March 2019.


RESOLVED – That the Council Performance Report March 2019 be noted.


Highways Improvement Programme 201920 - 2021/22 (Update) pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The Cabinet received an update from the Transport Policy Officer.


On 25th March 2019 the Highways Improvement Programme 2019/20 – 2021/22 was approved by Cabinet. The report was appended with detailed programmes utilising both Prudential Borrowing (£12m over 3 years) as well as all other sources of funding available for highway maintenance including Local Transport Plan (LTP), Incentive Fund and Pothole Fund which brings the programme to ~£16m over the 3 years. 


Since this it had become apparent that two unadopted streets had been included in the programme. These were included in error in the Annual Engineering Inspection (AEI) that was carried out in autumn 2018 and their condition meant they were included in the programme. The unadopted streets included were as follows:

·       Hollins Avenue (Saddleworth West & Lees)

·       Ashmond Road (Saddleworth West & Lees)


Following approval of the programme detailed inspections of all highways included were carried out by highway engineers to assess the scope of the scheme and clarify the type of works. It was at this stage that the above highways had been confirmed as unadopted and would therefore need to be excluded from the programme. The locations would be replaced by adjacent streets of a similar length and condition as follows:

·       Hollins Avenue replaced by Hollins Road (Saddleworth West & Lees)

·       Ashmond Road replaced by Wroe Street (Saddleworth West & Lees)


The whole programme had been thoroughly checked to ensure no further unadopted highways had been included and the website link to the page ‘Highways Improvement Programme 2019/20’ had been updated.  


RESOLVED that the update be noted



Unity Partnership Shareholder Committee: Cabinet Sub-Committee - Appointment of Members pdf icon PDF 108 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Head of Democratic Services seeking appointments to the Shareholder Sub-Committee.


Cabinet noted that the Shareholder Committee was a Sub-Committee of Cabinet and had the following high level remit and responsibilities:

·     Represented the Shareholder (the Council) and would meet quarterly.

·     Set the tone and direction of the company to ensure that it fully supported the Council’s co-operative agenda.

·     Considered significant company resource issues.

·     Sanctioned/approved decisions taken by the Unity Partnership Ltd Board of Directors and was able to call on the company Managing Director and members of the Unity Partnership Board to discuss specific items.

·     Determined “reserved matters”.

·     Approved a waiver of any conflicts of interest relating to the Unity Partnership Ltd Board of Directors.

·     Granted an indemnity to all Members and Officers acting as Directors on the company Board.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

Option 1 – Appoint Members to sit on the Sub-Committee.

Option 2 – Do not appoint Members to sit on the Sub-Committee


RESOLVED that the Leader and the Portfolio Holders with responsibility for Social Justice and Communities, Finance and Corporate Services, and Neighbourhoods Services be appointed to sit on the Shareholder Committee, with full delegated powers in relation to any matter to consider the interests of the Council following the acquisition of the Unity Partnership Ltd.


Failsworth Trust Cabinet Sub-Committee - Appointment of Members pdf icon PDF 183 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Head of Democratic Services seeking appointments to the Failsworth Trust Cabinet Sub-Committee.


The Cabinet noted that the Failsworth Trust Committee was a sub-committee of the Cabinet which dealt with the land in Failsworth which was held by the Council on charitable trust.


The Cabinet had previously established a sub-committee of three Members to consider issues relating to the trust and appointments to the Sub-Committee weare requested.


Options/Alternatives considered:-

Option 1 – Appoint Members to sit on the Sub-Committee.

Option 2 – Do not appoint Members to sit on the Sub-Committee


RESOLVED that the Leader and the Portfolio Holders with responsibility for Housing and Neighbourhoods Services, be appointed to sit on the Failsworth Trust Cabinet Sub-Committee with full delegated powers to consider the next steps for the land which is held on charitable trust..


Exclusion of the Press and Public

That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports.


RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports.


Request for an Extension to the Right Start Service Contract provided by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust


The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 7 – Request for an Extension to the Right Start Service Contract provided by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust.


RESOLVED - That the recommendations as detailed within the report be approved.


Odeon Lease Agreement


The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 8 – Odeon Lease Agreement.


RESOLVED - That the recommendations as detailed within the report be approved.